Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Submission To Authority

Well, from time to time, even we as Christians, run across scripture that "cuts cross-grain" with our way of thinking but they are God's Words none the less and they must be proclaimed. Tonight, I chose 1 Peter 2:13-15 as my text and in light of the most recent election, I am not necessarily a "happy camper" about it. Chances are if you follow my devotions you too, had a similar problem with the election, but we are ultimately "Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ" and I will be led by His spirit.

It says..."Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men."

I have look at several commentaries on this passage of scripture, including our beloved Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa. Pastor Greg Laurie might remember him. After reading everybody's thoughts on this passage, I have concluded that I will give my own understanding as I hear God speak it to me.

I'll be the first one to admit that I am not a President Obama fan and I have seen all the pro's and con's related to his election and administration. In fact, in confession, I have stated that he looks and acts like he could be a forerunner to the anti-Christ (which, based on our desire to reach heaven, that may not be all bad). I have made more negative than positive comments about this man and I am sure there are literally millions who feel the same.

However, if we believe that God has given us this country; if we believe that God has secured our salvation by the sacred blood of Christ; if we already have our "ticket" to heaven, then we have an obligation to attend to business based on God's Word and not the image we see before us.

Matthew Henry did say, and I quote "The general rule of a Christian conversation is this, it must be HONEST, which it cannot be if there be not a conscientious discharge of all relative duties." So what are my relative duties? The way I see it coming from these verses, I have an obligation to honor the position that Mr. Obama holds, and I always have. Of course he has a "relative duty" as well and that is to be honest with the people. If he chooses to sidestep this responsibility, he answers to God, not me.

It is God who has created the institution of authority and I will forever join myself with Him and be obedient and respectful until such time as it is shown that our President has crossed the will of God (some will say he already has). Mr. Henry also said "For the Lord’s sake, who had ordained magistracy for the good of mankind, who has required obedience and submission (Rom. 13), and whose honor is concerned in the dutiful behavior of subjects to their sovereigns."

So, where does that leave us as Christians in a world going to hell? Before you answer, remember "this world is not our home." And in verse 15 we get our peace; "For such is the will of God that by doing RIGHT you may silence the ignorance of foolish men." Remember that when Jesus Christ was questioned by Pilate in John 19:9,10 Jesus gave no defense.

Never lose sight of the fact that honoring the will of God has far greater value than "snubbing" the man we didn't choose. I truly believe that this is going to be a "hard pill to swallow" but our God is still on the throne, do not fear.


(probably gonna catch a lot of flack from this one)

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