Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Looking Into The Sky!

As I was walking through my Bible tonight, I crossed this verse of scripture in Acts 1:11 and it seems to me to be very applicable to what is taking place in the world today. Let me share it with you and see what thoughts develop.

"Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven". Seems to me that in over 30 years of following Christ and studying His word, we always come back to this understanding. Back in the day of this scripture, these men were watching in amazement as their Savior was lifted up into the clouds to ascend to the Father (of course, He had been telling them about this event for some time). And two angels standing there helped them understand what was happening; or as least you get the impression that they understood. We find out later that they ran and hid themselves in the "upper room" and the boldest act they took was to reach over and lock the door.

In studying God's Word, we can see that the world is "ripe" for Christ's dissention back to earth to "Rapture" His church from the mess that exists here. Many well-educated theologians are considering that the time is coming close. This theologian agrees. Jesus must just be standing on a cloud right now waiting for the Father to command Him to return for His church.

This should bring you great joy in knowing (if you live with Christ in your heart) that your "eternity" with Jesus is very, very close to beginning (if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you can. Click here to read the 4 Spiritual Laws - Then call me or email me if you have any questions). These angels told the disciples that as Jesus left this world, He will return in the same manner.

So my feeling is that we should not be discouraged with the ills of this world but rather, be excited to know that we will soon be united with our Lord face to face. What a joy that will be. All I can say is if that news doesn't get you excited then your "exciter" must be broken.

Look up, look up, look up, for your redemption draws close. God bless you all,


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