Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Monday, August 27, 2007

How Would You Respond?

In chapter 1 of the Old Testament book of Job, one by one, things begin to be taken from him. It is as though a radio announcer comes on and starts accounting for the catastrophes in Job's life. These catastrophes seem to come, one right after another as the suffering begins. First, Job's oxen have been stolen by an enemy raid, then in the blink of an eye, all his asses have disappeared. Then comes word that all of his sheep were killed by some kind of electrical storm and before he can catch his breath good, news comes about his herd of camels (true wealth in the oriental world) being completely wiped out in a natural catastrophe. Finally, and without warning, comes a heartwrenching blow to Job concerning his children. Seems they were in celebration when suddenly a great and terrible tornado hit the house and it was demolished. All of Job's children, seven sons and three daughters, were killed in one fatal blow. At the end of the first chapter of the book of Job, he responds to this terrible series of tragic, senseless accidents. "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return; the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1;21)

Can we say that we would respond in the same manner? Do we have the "strength & patience" of Job when it comes to tragic events in our lives.

In Job 1: 8 we hear God ask Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job?" Perhaps this is God's way of bragging but He knows Job, knows what kind of man he is and knows the strength of his faith toward Himself, so he gives Satan permission to "mess" with Job's life. Naturally, Satan has to issue a challenge to God. "Take away all that he has and surely he will curse you" (paraphrased from Job 1:11).
Well with the damage done, Job gave his response in verse 21.

Myself and others like me face the difficulties of everyday life with a disease that currently cannot be cured. It's like any other serious event in life. When you set a time limit on something, suddenly the stress begins to develop, it becomes more difficult to stay strong day by day and life just becomes "heavy". However, in meeting others with cancer, I have realized that there are people who are hurting much more than I am with their problems in life. I have my wife and children. I have my four healthy grandchildren. I have a steady source of income (even though the State keeps it low). I do not live in pain from the cancer, however I can't say the same for my back. Maybe I have lost a few sheep, oxen and camels over the last few years, perhaps my financial outlook is not as bright as a few years ago, but look at what I have. I have been blessed beyond measure from the Lord, even moreso after my diagnosis. I have a family that loves and supports me every single day. They do things to make life less difficult for me. They even do fundraising events to support the progress of the Lymphoma Foundation. I have met some of the most caring people on the planet, and I never would have run into these people if I had not been picked by God for this trial.

I met a man who became a dear friend who was diagnosed with cancer after I was and he passed away two years this Christmas, Michael was his name. I remember visiting with him just before he died and I remember what I told him. When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly. I have a feeling that this is the way Job lived out his trials.

God bless!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

When I Close My Eyes!

A precious friend of mine (let's call him Bill, in Colorado) told my wife and I when we visited with he and his wife last month that he was writing down events in his life so there would be some "written" family heritage for his children and grandchildren. He got me to thinking about my family and the heritage I would leave for them. So tonight (it's 12:04am) I am impressed to tell a story about my past. As a sort of "disclosure" please let me say up front that I did not live in a Christian home nor did I lead a Godly life in my teens, so please do not be "tripped up" by this first story. Also, if you find the story interesting or familiar, I would love to hear some of yours.

It was the beginning of the year, 1971. Lee Michaels had just released his "Fifth" album (name of the album) and he had a Top 10 Hit called "Do You Know What I mean". It was , what I considered a "fabulous" time in my life with the whole "Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll" era that I grew up in with the Beatles and Rolling Stones and everyone so excited about the music and freedom that my generation expressed. I, naturally hung out with a very WILD group of people who were right smack dab in the middle of this whole scene.

I remember that me and the "guys" had gone to San Bernardino to make a score on a special new type of LSD...yes I said LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid) which was called "Orange Acid" or Mesceline (I told you I hung with a wild group). Anyway, this was supposed to be some really "BAD" stuff. We were going to take the drug and meet some other people on E-Street in San Bernardino, at a club called the Branding Iron, where Lee Michaels was to have a live performance. Well we made our "score" and went to the concert and today I remember very little about the majority of the evening. I suppose the reason I remember so little of it is because of what I am about to tell you.

With the concert over and all of us "high as a kite" we headed to my friends home for the night where we would all "crash", because, surely none of us could go home because of the condition we were in. I went into the living room at my friends home and sat on the sofa and closed my eyes. I remember listening to the Abby Road Beatles album. Suddenly the song "Oh Darling" came on the stereo and I opened my eyes and there, on top of my friends console stereo system, were 4 of the most popular Rock & Roll guys in the world, The Beatles, performing, live on top of the stereo for me and they were singing "Oh Darling" (crazy huh?). Well naturally, that was the affect of the drug I had taken and I remember it being quite "Outrageous". After their performance, of course they didn't stick around, I closed my eyes again. This time when I opened my eyes, I was being "eaten alive" by what appeared to be maggots of some sort. Millions of them all over me and just simply devouring my body inside and out and literally eating me alive. This was what was referred to as a "Bad Trip" on LSD. Eventually throughout the TERROR AND TORMENT the drug wore off and things came somewhat back to normal. Only when things came back to normal, my friends were "coaching" me, literally, out of a tree in the front yard. I was so frightened that I had climbed the tree, expecting to get away from the menace that was eating me alive. WWWooowww! Just recalling it gives me shivers (and not good ones, I might add).

Now, why would I want to tell ANYONE, especially people who know me and what I stand for, THAT story? Well, please read on!

Over 32 years ago, I surrendered my life to Christ and as I have matured in Christ over the years, I began to learn to not remember my life in "shame", as Satan might wish I would do, but rather, look at my life as being "Delivered from the very pit of Hell" for Christ's sake. Today I live with a non-curable cancer that will someday send me home to Jesus. You know they say there are consequences to our sin, however I try not to "Theologize" my past, just rejoice in my future. And I have lived a very full and meaningful life with a precious wife, 3 beautiful children, a wonderful daughter-in-law and 2 very committed and wonderful son-in-laws, along with 4 of the most perfect grandchildren...God must have picked them out for me Himself.

Here's the point of my story and today I am not ashamed to share it with you because today when I sit on the sofa, listening to my Worship & Praise music, thinking about my Lord, sometimes, I hear the clanging of metal together, like iron being pounded into swords; sometimes I hear the thunderous sound of thousands of hoofs galloping toward me. And sometimes, as I sit there, content in my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ, I can actually "Feel the brush of angel wings" on my cheeks. That's how close I believe the Lord is in His return for us. We are in the Last Days, everyone. Now is the time that Jesus needs us to stand tall, and stand for Him. Anything could have happened to me in my "wild and unruly" days, BUT GOD! had other plans.

Well I know that this post was long and I hope you got something out of it. This is the only place I know to go to for sharing such important stuff as this (I do speaking engagements). I hope to write of other life experiences that you may enjoy, but in the meantime, if you have read this story and you are not someone who trust Jesus Christ with your whole life, then you need to ask yourself, "What is my whole (eternal) life worth, to me? God showed us what it is worth to Him! Praise the Lord!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Parting is such sweet sorrow...Bye Leo!

Today, Grammy Barb and Papa Dave had to say goodbye to little "Leo" as it was time to get back in the car and head for home. Now keep in mind that Leo is only 11 days old today so he surely does not understand our unkind "abandonment" and even more heartbreaking is the "emotions worn on the shoulders of these 2 adults above.

Can someone please come and counsel poor Grammy Barb & Papa Dave so they won't go straight home and lock themselves up in the bedroom...actually, we are both doing just fine. We have only spoken to Amy and the baby 4 times today and we made it all the way from Austin, Texas to Amarillo, Texas. And it only took us a little over 9 hours to get here. This state is so large, it is like the Bermuda Triangle. Once you are in it, it seems impossible to find your way out (of Texas, that is). But I have a plan to get up before the sun tomorrow and sneak across the New Mexico border before the Texans even realize we have gone. Brilliant, huh?

Anyway, we are on our way home, already developing plans to return or have them out to Arizona by October so I believe that Grammy Barb and Papa Dave will actually survive (not without your prayers, of course). So as this chapter ends a new one will begin and Grammy or Papa will be sure to be there to share it with you all.

Thanks for your love and prayers for our little "Leonardo Steven Pitera" who has gained over 1/2 pound in his first 11 days in captivity (Yeah)!

I am absolutely certain that the pictures will continue to "flow" so be looking for them. (by the way, little Leo is the one being hugged and kissed on in both of the pictures above. Those other two are "nanny help" just ignore them.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What if He had to do it again!

Well, Barb & I have been gone from home for 7 weeks now, little "Leo" has arrived and our time is coming to an end here in Texas. While I was trying to sleep tonight and thinking about the past, where we are and from where we've come. I thought about our visit overnight in Ft Worth, where I went to Seminary all those many years ago. So I got up, started looking through the photos we had taken while there & a thought crossed my mind..."could I do it again? Would I do it again?"

I was 33 years old when I moved my family from California to Texas to complete my education, in the direction of the ministry. I remember that it was HARD. It had been a long time since I was in the classroom and when I was, I really wasn't. Such a momentous task, I thought, at the time.

Then, while laying in bed, my thoughts turned to Christ as I listened to some Christian music on my ipod. Then I thought..."could He do it again? WOULD HE DO IT AGAIN?" It is now the 21st Century and our world has "run a muck" it seems and I thought, "What if Jesus had to come back to earth? What if He had to start His ministry all over again? Would He go through the pain He suffered over 2000 years ago? Would He stand trial again? Would He go to the Cross, one more time...for me? There is so much more chaos and sin in the world of today, it would seem like it would be needed, NOW MORE THAN EVER! But then I was reminded of His last words on the cross in the Gospel of John where He said "It Is Finished". The debt was paid, now and throughout eternity. The task completed...there is nothing left to do except to praise and thank Him for what He DID!

I probably wouldn't try to go back to get the education today. Too tired. Too sick. And He knew that so He called me there 23 years ago, to do what needed to be done then so I could be prepared for what needs to be done today.

Well, my grandson has arrived and in a day or so, Barb and I will be back on the road again. Back to our lives as normal, trying to minister, the best we know how, taking care of our "older" but much wiser bodies. Today, my biggest ordeal is getting through chemotherapy sessions without getting hospitalized. I had to realize that it would someday take my life. Perhaps some of you reading this will have a similar problem sometime in the future. That doesn't look so big to me anymore, when I look around the world and see that people are still going to hell! Can you help?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Leo Has Arrived!

Our 4th Grandchild, Leonardo Steven Pitera, was born on Thursday afternoon, at 1;41pm in Texas. Barb and I were fortunate to be there for the happy event and we will stay with them for another 10 days or so to help out. He is absolutely gorgeous as you can see from his photo.

Amy & Sam are doing well. Getting ready to spend the next 18 years "broke" while raising a child. Thank you to those who have prayed. He is healthy and beautiful.