Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Delight Yourself In The Lord

"Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust also in Him, and He will do it" (Psalm 37:3-5).

Do you want to know God's will for your life? Here's a simple scripture passage that tells you just exactly what to do. "Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart." Well, you say, what does this have to do with God's will for me? I say in response to that, if you are delighting yourself in the Lord, THAT IS God's will for your life. He wants you to be delighted in Him. He wants you to be so "smitten" by His love and grace that all you can think of is the Lord. So by delighting yourself in the Lord, you are receiving His will for you. Where will that take you? I don't know. But wherever it is, it will be with the Lord and in His will.

And what is His will for you? Well, examine your heart because He wants to give you your desires. Are your desires worthy of His gift? Many of us walk around on this earth hurting, some physically, some emotionally, but if the desire of our heart is to be "delighted" in the Lord then He has already completed His part of the bargain by removing some of your pain with your very own desire. Kind of dizzying, huh? Well, He said to tell Him what was on your mind and He promised you your desires, so what really is there to understand other than His will for you is that you receive the desire of your heart (boy, that was a mouthful)? And naturally, if your heart is right with God, then you will want to delight yourself in Him.

There may be dozens of different ways to say what God wants or wills for us but truly, He is looking for that certain someone who is so in love with Him that they are satisfied with whatever He chooses for them. I have tried for decades to "Delight myself in the Lord" and I think I have achieved it. Some would say, what do you mean, you have a cancer that is not curable. It's eventually going to kill you. To that I would say, "that's right, but there are people I would never have met or been able to share His love with, had this medical condition never arrived." So you tell me, which act was more important? Me living an unfulfilled life in Christ without the desires of my heart, or living a little shorter here, fully engulfed in Him and His Glory. I'm not saying to you that you should start praying for a terminal disease so you can be in the will of God. I am however, saying that when I surrendered fully to His Lordship and control of MY life, this is the way it came about. And I could not be more pleased.

We all have our "season of time" on this earth and when it is time to go, I feel it better to go peacefully, knowing that at least for some part of my time here, I was in His "Perfect" will. So down deep inside of me, my ultimate desire is to share the Gospel of God with anyone and everyone so if it takes a medical trial in my life to get me to that desire I say, "Thank you, Lord for knowing just what I need and where I need to be." Besides, He's big enough to change His mind should He so desire. In the meantime, I have the "desires of my heart" from God!


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