Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Alone With God!

In the Gospel of John chapter 7 and verses 10 & 11 it says, "But when His(Jesus') brothers had gone up to the feast, then He Himself also went up, not publicly, but as it were, in secret. The Jews therefore were seeking Him at the feast, and were saying, "Where is He?"

There were plenty of places in the New Testament where Jesus chose to go to be alone with the Father. In the Garden before they came to carry Him off to trial, He asked the disciples to sit and watch while He went a little further in the garden to be alone with the Father.

The intimate relationship between Jesus and His Father was such that He wanted His time alone with the Father to draw strength from Him. This is an action that we need to take advantage of more often in our own lives. We are ALL very busy doing a little bit of EVERYTHING and so there is very little time for that intimacy with the Father, alone.

A precious sister mentioned her desire for more strength as a Christian woman and intimacy with the Father will bring about that strength in all of us. I know this practice first hand. Sometimes it is just good for us to practice doing the will of the Father without anyone else knowing about it. Sometimes we say we are going into our "prayer closet" to be alone with God. This is a good thing for us. Sometimes I will just lay in bed with my headphones on listening to the spoken Word that has been downloaded on my iPod.

When was the last time you were alone with God? Do you find yourself more times, hanging in a crowd or are you working your way toward the intimacy that Christ showed His disciples while He walked here? It is never a bad time to go and be alone with God. There have been times in my life that I have heard Him more clearly while it was just He and I.

Try to find your "alone place" with God. That place that is secret and nobody else knows about it. You know, doing something for a brother or sister in need without telling anyone is also considered "alone time with the Father."

He's looking for you. Can you break away from the crowds like Jesus did and get alone with God? You'll love it, I promise.


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