Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy

This is really wierd. I was just talking the other day to a girlfriend of my youngest daughter's and we were discussing the "Laws of Moses." Wild and Crazy stuff.

Anyway, the scripture verse is Acts 13:39 which says, "and through Him everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses."

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy! I was just in a lengthy discussion over the Internet with this precious soul discussing her Jewish heritage and she had a lot of questions. In fact, I still have an email I am sitting on to talk more to her and try to answer more questions and I came upon this verse for today's devotion. WOW!

Well, could there be anyone better than Him, Jesus Christ our Lord, God, and the Holy Spirit that could free us from the bond of the Old Testament Law? I don't think so. I'm still shaking my head. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, the Holy One, to be the most precious sacrifice (the final sacrifice) so that you and I might be able to communicate today. Ain't God Great?

The world be damned, but I have all of my stocks and bonds, securely placed in the "Hedge Fund" called Jesus Christ. You should too!

Click here to check out this song by Steve Green: People Need The Lord!


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