Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Gonna Make A Lot Of New Friends Today!

Check out this verse in Matthew chapter 5. It's verse 19 and it says, "Whoever annuls one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." (NASB)

This verse really touches my heart. It's no secret that I have somewhat of a problem with "The Emergent Church, Seeker Sensitivity, and that Lounge Chair Mentality" in the Post Modern Church of today. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a lot more valuable than this "mamby pamby peace and love" I've heard over the years. Take a look outside! The Word of God is coming alive right before our very eyes! All indications are that the Lord is getting ready to mount His steed! He's comin' back, folks! And this verse really hits home to me.

Earlier in the passage Jesus was saying, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." At last glance, in some of the churches I have observed, I have not seen how the church has glorified the Father in heaven but rather the life we are living here on earth. This is just "MY" own personal opinion and you can take it for what it is worth, but we as believers in God, Born Again Christians, are not doing our job. The church seems too busy making people comfortable and "wooing" them into a state of complacency rather than pushing the saints to "let their light shine...for the glory of God."

I know this is a "soap box" issue and I make no apology for it. We need to be very deliberate in our quest to light a fire under one another to present the Gospel of God without apology or exception. According to those pulpiteers who do not fear the truth, this is just not happening today. I have a brother-in-law who is ALWAYS preaching, teaching, passing out tracts and trying to direct people toward Jesus Christ and His salvation but truthfully, I don't see a lot of those kind of people coming out of our churches.

Finally, in verse 20, Jesus says, "For I say to you, that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven." So whether you are on the "edge of your seat" in your church or you feel like you are sitting in a "Lazy Boy Recliner", if you identify yourself as a "fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ", you have more to do in this world than just make yourself comfortable. I believe as I read about Jesus and the moneychangers in the temple, I have a hard time interpreting it as Jesus trying to "make friends and influence people" but rather sharing His heart in a physically "gut wrenching" way that God is to be respected as the Great I AM and anything less is playing church.

Wow, did I say all that? Yes, as a matter of fact I did. And I challenge anyone reading this to "call me in on the carpet" if my testimony is anything less than what I described above.

The Lord Jesus Christ is MY WORLD and nothing will deter me from the mission He has chosen me for. If you're just playin' church, perhaps you are willing, today, to change your direction and do the very things that cause your Father in heaven to be glorified. In other words, it's probably time to get out of your Lazy Boy Recliner, step out from behind your "comfort zone" and "spew" Jesus Christ out to a world that is dying and going to hell. Aside from that, you have no mission or purpose here on earth. Time to "get out" and "get going" for Christ. Other than that, Have a great day!

What do you say?


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