Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Monday, October 11, 2010


Finally we come to "Fellowship".  Fellowship with the saints of God.  Where would we be or where could we go without the fellowship and encouragement of other Christian men and women?  I think, "Nowhere!"

We are constantly encourage to join into fellowship with other believers.  After all, isn't that where we develop our Christian walk and learn how to speak to God and how to hear from Him?  The Bible says "do not forsake the assembling of the saints" (paraphrased).

The Christian that is Spirit directed enjoys the fellowship with God's people all over the world.  He enjoys a great love for the Church (body of believers) and he involves himself in it.  With this involvement he succeeds in helping to spread the Great Commission throughout the planet.

If you are not in fellowship with other believers, I believe that you are probably "out of your work area" so to speak.  This is the stuff that tough saints are made of i.e: Fellowship--this is what energizes you to "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  Matt. 28:19,20.

Here are some additional verses to review:  2 Cor. 13:11; Eph. 5:18-21; Phil. 2:1-4; 1 Thess. 2:8-12.

So we have taken the time to review eleven attributes or characteristics of the Christian man and woman and they are Faith, Stewardship, Power, Prayer, Obedience, Direction, Action, Love, Vision, Leadership, and Fellowship.  Naturally there can be others but these are of "Natural Growth Experience". 

As the great Wizard of Oz once said, "NOW GO!"

Love ya,


As a point of reference, all of the information I submitted in these 11 devotions came directly from my New American Standard Bible.

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