Crazy Papa

I'll make 'um an offer
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A hundred years ago a pastor made me aware of what he referred to as a "Normal Traffic Pattern" life as a Christian. We should all take some pride is another person suggesting that there is SOMETHING different about us.
Matthew 5:16 says..."Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." I pray that we are not seeking our reward here on earth, though some do. Our reward is in Heaven with Jesus Christ and with His Glory. Don't be satisfied with the praise of mankind, but seek after the approval of God. That is my wish for you in 2009.
We all have Cancer; some literally, some figuratively, but there's not a one of us called without a mission, regardless of our infirmities. My prayer for myself is that I might "forever sing praises to Him"
Make this the year you give God all that you can give. It will be impossible to regret it.
Papa Dave
Saturday, November 29, 2008
You'd Probably Complain If You Were Hung With A New Rope!
In 2 Corinthians 11:21-33 the Apostle Paul defends him apostleship and doesn't mix words on what has happened to him, it was brutal (please read it). What about God's people who were rescued by Moses before he parted the Red Sea (Ex. 15:12..."For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness."And what about the disciples when the 5,000 were fed in Matt. 14:15-21, "...but we have here only five loaves and two fish..." And how about Jesus as He hung on the cross, between heaven and hell, suspended by nails. I didn't read anywhere that He called on the blind man He healed to go get the SWAT Team and take Him down from the cross.
We have so much to complain about today. The economy is terrible and it will probably get darker before it gets light again. None of us seem to have enough toys or cell phones, computers or televisions. Our neighbors are "infringing" on our space at our home by allowing their water to sprinkle over our wall. I'm too short; He's too fat. It gives new meaning to the "New Rope" phrase, huh? Where does the complaining stop? I love the new song by the Eagles called "Get Over It". A great message.
I don't wish to live my life like that and I won't. We've talked a lot over the last three years about me having a "terminal disease" but guess what? You do too! We will all stand before Jesus Christ someday and give an account for our complaints and sins. Early on in my adult life I realized that I have taken over the position of the Apostle Paul as "Chief Sinner" because I believe I am very good at sinning. I'm also in very good company.
Here's what Paul said that makes all of this other stuff so trivial. It's in Phil 3:14 where he says..."I press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
My final thoughts on this subject are not my own but are best said in this passage of scripture: "If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the SAME MIND, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." (Phil 2:1-8)
What's your complaint today?
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Man's Man
He coached Little League Baseball and helped with the Boy Scouts. He mowed his lawn every other weekend and never let us kids see any weakness in him at all. He always went away in the morning and came home at the same time every night. He set at the head of the table and our table was always full of different courses of food. We as children never new that times were rough because our father would never let on that anything was ever wrong.
He was like the father of Psalm 103:13 that says "...a father has compassion on his children, So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him." We feared our father but it was a healthy fear. A fear that knew that if we did wrong he was quick to correct and when we did right, he was right there to offer a warm hug of approval.
He was, indeed, a "Man's man" and today if we as father's were referred to as a "Man's man" I'm not really sure what that would mean. I have tried over the years to be a "giant" of a man to my children; hopefully I have fulfilled most of those traits.
I remember that day in June as I sat next to my father's bed. It was 4:08am when he finally opened his eyes, took a deep breath with his "frail little body" and breathed his last breath. All of 90 pounds from the disease that eat him up, he still looked to me like that giant of a man, that Man's man that everyone he knew had a great deal of respect and admiration for.
I think of the first of the Ten Commandments with a promise. It is the 5th commandment in Exodus 20:12. It says, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you." I have always tried to honor my parents and I have always tried to be a good father to my children.
There are a lot of father's in today's society that do not get the respect and love that a child needs to have for his father. And there are also a lot of father's like my dad, who raised their kids with dignity and honor and they get laughed at behind their backs because of the lack of respect of some of today's children. Someday I hope my children will be able to look into their past and remember their father; A Man's man.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Why believe in a god?
INDEED! What’s all the “big deal” about believing in god? What are we, after all? Spiritual beings? Some kind of “goodie-to-shoes” kind of men and women who cannot think for ourselves or something! Why should we expose ourselves to the ridicule of the general public over a belief that we cannot put our hands on? Constantly made fun of, laughed at, criticized because of a god we cannot produce!
Maybe this atheist that created these advertisements on the side of a bus is right! You don’t have to believe in a god! Just be good. Yeah, that should do it. Just be as good as you can and the fruits of your goodness will fall down from heaven like sap down a tree trunk. Or is the “sap” YOU; for buying into that philosophy?
Okay, so we are just going to be good, for “goodness” sake! Well, after almost 30 years of studying God’s Word and trying very hard to understand all of the implications, I have come to understand “goodness” in a very different light.
In order to understand “just being good” we need to understand what “Salvation” as described in the Bible means. First of all, salvation presupposes the Fall. There is no need to restore perfection unless we no longer have it (no sin; no need to be saved from it). Therefore, salvation begins where the Fall ends; salvation is not a single event but an overarching process beginning in Genesis 3 (at paradise lost) and continues through Revelation 22 (with paradise regained). Salvation includes an Old Testament anticipation and a New Testament realization.
Salvation includes three spectacular events:
1. The official victory over sin by the Cross;
2. The practical victory over sin within believers;
3. The final victory over sin at the Second Coming.
The first benefit of salvation is “Justification” (which saves us from the penalty of sin). Then comes sanctification (being rescued from the power of sin) and finally glorification (by which we are delivered from the very presence of sin). According to scripture passages all over the Bible, salvation is a VERY big part of our earthly life. In fact, Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3 “…unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” So I guess that means that “salvation” is very much a part of being “good for goodness sake”.
Here’s the bottom line (for those who still want to appease the “world”). Jesus said, “Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what will you make it salty again?” (Mark 9:50a) So, if we are JUST good, and we lose our “goodness”, with what will we make ourselves good again? Does that make sense? Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I’m a sinner; you’re a sinner. And all the goodness in the world will not wash away the sin in or lives. God IS the goodness we need in our lives. You know what I think when I read that a notable “atheist” has made a statement like this? I think…”Well, he’s obviously been reading someone else’s mail”. You cannot be “good enough” to obtain the salvation talked about above.
Why believe in God? BECAUSE EVERY SECOND OF YOUR ETERNITY DEPENDS ON IT, THAT’S WHY! Don’t believe me? That’s fine. Just be good, for goodness sake and see where you end up in God’s plan. You know, someone once said to me, “You know, its alright to believe you came from a monkey but I choose to believe that I was created in the image of God. Anyway, if I believe I came from God and at the end of life, find out I was wrong, all I’ve done is tried to live an “upstanding” moral life, based on God’s Word whereas if you believe you came from a monkey and turn out to be wrong…
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Do not be discouraged!
Almost 4 years ago, when the oncologist told me that I had cancer, I said to her, “Dr., I just want you to know that there is nothing you can do for me that God doesn’t want done; and at the same time, you can work miracles in my life, if it is God’s will!” I didn’t realize that I was offending her when I said that. I just wanted her to know about my faith and trust in God and that her treatment of me was secondary to His perfect will for me. From that time forward, she seemed to have a certain level of animosity toward me, as if I had taken her job as “god” away from her. When we would have an appointment with her, I was always upbeat and joyful until she finally became very stern with me and my wife, telling us that we were NOT facing reality and that I was in denial about the cancer. All of the statistics indicated that my life expectancy was from 1.3 to 7.9 years and that was what I needed to focus on, according to her. Needless to say, we realized it was time to move on from her practice and search out a doctor who would treat us without discriminating against our faith.
We did so in year number 2 and have been with my current oncologist beyond our 3rd year now. I believe that the above scripture verse very adequately states my direction for life after finding out about this disease that had attached itself to my body. We, as Christian men and women, have an obligation to dedicate our lives to a “cause greater that ourselves” (Sen. John McCain). This is what, not only I but my wife, my children, my extended family and everyone who shares in this event with us has dedicated themselves to. We know that there is more to this life than just our “70 plus” years in these tents we call bodies. When I found out about the cancer, I didn’t go to God and ask him to give me time to see that my children had all graduated. I didn’t suggest to him that because I had grandchildren, I had certain rights that could not be treated in this manner. I didn’t ask Him to make sure I was able to bury my own parents before anything happened to me. I just said, I guess there is a ministry of some kind here that ONLY I can fulfill in God’s sight. So I put my hands on the plow. I have not looked back and do not expect to ever have to look back.
Shortly after the diagnosis, a close friend was also diagnosed with Lung Cancer in August of that same year. He was gone before the end of the year. But the night before he died, I got a chance to sit at his bedside and share a little bit about God with him. And the last thing that I said to him was “Mike, When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly." I believe that my friend Mike is flying tonight.
Do you call yourself a Christian Man or Woman tonight? Are you truly a “Faithful Follower of Jesus Christ”? If you are, then simply place your hands “on the plow”, don’t look back, and follow God! He not only knows where He is going but also knows where He is taking you. He is taking you to your next “Mission Field”.
About the Author
Dave Stallings lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife of 36 years, Barbara, who also suffers a serious chronic illness, and their dog, Captain Jack…along with their kids and grand kids ! Dave is a semi-retired pastor and loves to blog on his personal web page since being diagnosed with Stage IV incurable non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma over 3 years ago...his motto is “It is what it is and God is not surprised”….his website is and his blog is, and he can be reached by email at
There are some who are receiving this devotion who have concerns about reading other devotions and finding that they do not share the same core values so Barb and I have decided to try to dedicate ourselves to a continued devotional message. They will all be copied onto my website under the “Devotions” link at you can go there to view other devotions and keep track of my progress…Dave
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I can say anything I want!
WASHINGTON — A church-state watchdog group has asked the Internal Revenue Service to investigate whether the Roman Catholic bishop of Paterson, N.J., violated tax laws by denouncing Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama.
In a letter sent to the IRS on Wednesday (Oct. 22), Americans United for Separation of Church and State accused Paterson Bishop Arthur Serratelli of illegal partisanship for lambasting Obama's support of abortion rights.
In a column posted on the Diocese of Paterson's website and published in its weekly newspaper, Serratelli also compared Obama to King Herod, the biblical monarch who ordered the death of John the Baptist.
The bishop did not refer to Obama by name but only as "the present democratic (sic) candidate."
Under federal tax law, nonprofit groups — including religious organizations — are prohibited from intervening in campaigns for public office by endorsing or opposing candidates.
"If this politician fulfills his promise, not only will many of our freedoms as Americans be taken from us, but the innocent and vulnerable will spill their blood," Serratelli wrote.
The Rev. Barry Lynn, president of Americans United, said it is "impossible to interpret this passage as anything but a command to vote against 'the present Democratic candidate' because of his promise to sign a certain piece of legislation disfavored by the Catholic Church's hierarchy."
The Paterson diocese said Serratelli's column was focused on proposed abortion legislation, not the upcoming presidential election.
"It's absolutely, positively misleading to say that the bishop urged Catholics not to vote for Sen. Obama," the diocese said in a statement.
Rob Boston, a spokesman for the Washington-based Americans United, said that of the estimated 90 claims it has filed with the IRS since 1996, only four others have accused Catholic bishops or dioceses of electioneering.
Earlier this year, Americans United asked the IRS to investigate Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, for criticizing former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was running for the Republican presidential nomination at the time.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago?
Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago ; 221 killed in Iraq .
Senators. Barack Obama & Dick Durbin,
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.,
Illinois Gov. Rod Blogojevich,
Illinois House leader Mike Madigan,
Illinois Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike),
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J. Daley)
.....our leadership in Illinois .....all Democrats.
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .
Of course, they're all blaming each other.
Can't blame Republicans; they're aren't any!
State pension fund $44 Billion in debt, worst in country.
Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look 'em up if you want).
Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country.
This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois . And he's gonna 'fix' Washington politics for us!
Can't wait!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Immorally "Skirting" the issue, Mr. Obama?
Please prayerfully consider the article below and what you will do to counteract its message.
God help us,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
JEFFREY: Debate in Obama's past
Terence P. Jeffrey
The most telling debate Barack Obama ever had was not with John McCain but Patrick O'Malley, who served with Mr. Obama in the Illinois Senate and engaged him in a colloquy every American should read.
The Obama-O'Malley debate was a defining moment for Mr. Obama because it dealt with such a fundamental issue: The state's duty to protect the civil rights of the young and disabled.
Some background: Eight years ago, nurse Jill Stanek went public about the "induced-labor abortions" performed at the Illinois hospital where she worked. Often done on Down syndrome babies, the procedure involved medicating the mother to cause premature labor.
Babies who survived this, Nurses Stanek testified in the U.S. Congress, were brought to a soiled linen room and left alone to die without care or comforting.
Then-Illinois state Sen. Patrick O'Malley, whom I interviewed this week, contacted the state attorney general's office to see whether existing laws protected a newborn abortion-survivor's rights as a U.S. citizen. He was told they did not. So, Mr. O'Malley - a lawyer, veteran lawmaker and colleague of Mr. Obama on the Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee - drafted legislation.
In 2001, he introduced three bills. SB1093 said if a doctor performing an abortion believed there was a likelihood the baby would survive, another physician must be present "to assess the child's viability and provide medical care." SB1094 gave the parents, or a state-appointed guardian, the right to sue to protect the child's rights. SB1095 simply said a baby alive after "complete expulsion or extraction from its mother" would be considered a " 'person,' 'human being,' 'child' and 'individual.' "
The bills dealt exclusively with born children. "This legislation was about preventing conduct that allowed infanticide to take place in the state of Illinois," Mr. O'Malley told me.
The Judiciary Committee approved the bills with Mr. Obama in opposition. On March 31, 2001, they came up on the Illinois Senate floor. Only one member spoke against them: Barack Obama.
"Nobody else said anything," Mr. O'Malley recalls. The official transcript validates this.
"Sen. O'Malley," Mr. Obama said near the beginning of the discussion, "the testimony during the committee indicated that one of the key concerns was - is that there was a method of abortion, an induced abortion, where the - the fetus or child, as - as some might describe it, is still temporarily alive outside the womb." Mr. Obama made three crucial concessions here: the legislation was about (1) a human being, who was (2) "alive" and (3) "outside the womb."
He also used an odd redundancy: "temporarily alive." Is there another type of human?
"And one of the concerns that came out in the testimony was the fact that they were not being properly cared for during that brief period of time that they were still living," Mr. Obama continued.
Here he made another crucial concession: The intention of the legislation was to make sure that (1) a human being, (2) alive and (3) outside the womb was (4) "properly cared for."
"Is that correct?" Mr. Obama asked Mr. O'Malley.
Mr. O'Malley tightened the logical knot. "[T]his bill suggests that appropriate steps be taken to treat that baby as a - a citizen of the United States and afforded all the rights and protections it deserves under the Constitution of the United States," said Mr. O'Malley.
But to these specific temporarily-alive-outside-the-womb-human beings - to these children who had survived a botched abortion, whose hearts were beating, whose muscles were moving, whose lungs were heaving - to these specific children of God, Mr. Obama was not willing to concede any constitutional rights at all.
To explain his position, Mr. Obama came up with yet another term to describe the human being who would be protected by Mr. O'Malley's bills. The abortion survivor became a "pre-viable fetus."
By definition, however, a born baby cannot be a "fetus." Merriam-Webster Online defines "fetus" as an "unborn or unhatched vertebrate" or "a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth." Mr. Obama had already conceded these human beings were "alive outside the womb."
"No. 1," said Mr. Obama, "whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements of the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a - a child, a 9-month-old - child that was delivered to term."
Yes. In other words, a baby born alive at 37 weeks is just as much a human "person" as a baby born alive at 22 weeks.
Mr. Obama, however, saw a problem with calling abortion survivors "persons." "I mean, it - it would essentially bar abortions," said Mr. Obama, "because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute."
For Mr. Obama, whether or not a temporarily-alive-outside-the-womb little girl is a "person" entitled to constitutional rights is not determined by her humanity, her age or even her place in space relative to her mother's uterus. It is determined by whether a doctor has been trying to kill her.
Terence P. Jeffrey is a nationally syndicated columnist.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Trusting In The Lord!


Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
We are now entering into year number 4 of the cancer diagnosis and even though it is time for me to have another Pet CT Scan, I do not fear, in fact, I am looking forward to it so I can show these doctors that my God is better able to care for my needs and they need to jump on His bandwagon as well. Anyway, there is always a constant reminder, at least that is what I am reminded of, however, without fail, there is also a constant reminder that God has brought me this far, and I don't believe His intentions would have been to drop me now. It is very easy to allow the Lord to carry you through these events in life. We just need to remember that our lives here are temporal and we have an eternity in Heaven with Christ, our Lord; an opportunity to visit, talk & worship our King as He originally intended for us to do.
Anyway, that being said, the verse above reminds us that as we trust in the Lord, without leaning on our ability to understand (sometimes that is very hard when doctors are giving you time limits on your life)He, God, is very much in control of our everyday needs and requirements for life. He walks with me so graciously that He is like a VERY trusted friend. I can share my most intimate thoughts with Him and he does not rebuke me over my concerns. He show me the type of love that can only come from the Father.
Well I have continued to trust in the Lord and he is making my paths straight. Just short of one year ago, my oncologist told Barb and I that if we wanted to travel, this was the time to do it. So we went shopping for 10 months to find the near perfect travel trailer for the two of us and finally, a couple of weeks ago, we found it on the internet...made an offer and then packed up the Jeep and took off on this journey, not sure what we would find and when we arrived and stepped into the trailer, it was devastating. It was "surely" NOT what we were looking for and would not completely serve our needs at all. However, remembering that the "Lord is Good" and He is directing our paths, we starting looking around, and in one corner of the lot, there it sat. The perfect size, model, available space, right weight for our Jeep to pull and it was just the right amount of money we had planned to invest in the venture. AIN'T GOD GREAT?
So we went for it and purchased it ! And so we begin a new adventure/mission in our Christian life, as ambassadors of the road, going here and there, trying to introduce the God of all creation to those in our path. I almost feel like we have cheated God in the deal because all we had to do was to "Trust in Him". He did the rest.
So, in the midst of the situation, the hand we have been dealt...that we find ourselves in, we are happy and looking forward to driving the wheels off our Jeep as we take our "own hotel room" everywhere and anywhere we are led to go. Please pray for us, that we will use this new tool as an instrument of God's Glory, assuring everyone we meet, that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Won't you help us with that need? Also continue to pray for God's timing in my medical situation. I have completely surrendered this disease to Him to do with, as He sees fit. And He WILL receive the glory when I finally arrive HOME!
God bless you all very much and I hope you enjoy the worship music added to this site. It is for you that it has been added. Please tell others about this blogsite and my website and I will try to do a better job of updating it in the future. I will try to prepare photographs of our adventures as time goes on. I have noticed that the number of people looking at my website ( and my blog ( has dropped off quite a bit. Please help me spread joy to others who need to be lifted up.
God's absolute best for you today,
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Great "Bailout" idea
I was against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG. Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend.
To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+. Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up...So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00. My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend plan.
Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So let's assume a tax rate of 30%. Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes. That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam. But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket. A husband and wife has $595,000.00.
What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family? Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved. Repay college loans - what a great boost to new grads Put away money for college - it'll be there Save in a bank - create money to loan to entrepreneurs. Buy a new car - create jobs - Invest in the market - capital drives growth. Pay for your parent's medical insurance - health care improves
Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean - or else! Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed
If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult
U S Citizen 18+! As for AIG - liquidate it. Sell off its parts. Let American General go back to being American General.
Sell off the real estate. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here's the rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't. Sure it's a crazy idea that can 'never work. But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!
How do you spell Economic Boom? I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion.
We deserve a dividend more than do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC .
And remember, The Birk plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.
Ahhh...I feel so much better getting that off my chest.
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Light The Night" Walk for Lymphoma
Tonight as I review the Lymphoma Pledge page orchestrated by my sister-in-law I am reminded that on July 16th, 2008, I entered into my 4th year of a diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma or blood cancer. Throughout the entire battle, thus far, my attitude has been positive and continues to be so. However, as I contemplate the disease itself, I am sad to be reminded that so may others are stricken, even children, with this horrible terminating disease. I wonder how many, young or old, are experiencing the "Joy" that I experience, even in the midst of knowing the outcome, because of their faith in Jesus Christ.
So many will die tonight without experiencing the "Love of Christ". If you click on the link to the left and go to the "Light The Night" donation page, that will be great and I know others, as well as myself, will greatly appreciate your monetary donation, but I would ask for something even more than your money. In all my years of ministry, I have never sat beside a bed of a dying person who said they were glad that their time was up. I don't believe any one of us can truly have that feeling. As you consider what you might give to the Lymphoma Society, would you also please pray? Pray for the ones who do not know Christ and His saving grace. Pray that whether a cure is found in this next 12 months or not, those afflicted, will gain a "new understanding" of true life and love as they give their heart to Christ. AND PLEASE FORWARD THE ADDRESS OF THIS WEBSITE TO ANYONE YOU CAN, NOT FOR MY SAKE BUT FOR THEIRS!
You've all been great,
Click on title above to get to "Light The Night" Lymphoma Walk Information. is presently experiencing difficulties!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Ticket Exchange?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
It's Good To Laugh, So Go Ahead
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Signs of Christ's Return
It's 2am and I just finished watching a video sent to me by my son-in-law "touting" the prayerful praises of Barack Obama. It was horrific and as I watched it, my eyes welled up with tears for those who were shown on the video. The deceiver has taken hold of them and has gripped them so tightly, that even if there was one who could have believed in Christ, they have been deceived. The video, for a true believer is difficult to watch. There is no bloodshed, no foul language, no child molestation, or criminal acts portrayed in this video. It is simply a band of famous people, placing themselves side by side with average "everyday" Americans" and trying to show through song and video Barrack Obama (a deceiver) can deliver us from ourselves. Every portion of the video has been published "out of context" and a complete falsehood.
There are people in this video who we have enjoyed watching on television for years now, who have fallen into this trap that Satan has planted in the minds of some. I think of Jason Alexander of the Seinfield sitcom as we have watched, literally years and years of re-runs. As someone who I have always considered my most favorite comedy personality, I am ashamed that I have not learned more. But I have learned about God's Holy Word, and believe me, this video is the remarkable "adaptation" of the passage of scripture above.
Whether you want to believe me or not, please take the time to find the truth. Do not place your Holy Faith in this man (Barack Obama) or any other man, for that matter. It will happen just as Jesus Christ said in verses 29 - 31 of the same chapter saying, "But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken, and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other."
We are now seeing the true activities of the "Coming of the Lord," Jesus Christ that is, so please do pray. Not an American Prayer, although America surely needs prayer; not a Nation by Nation prayer, although the Nations of the world need our prayers, but pray for the people who will continue to be deceived by Satan's craftiness in this world. Don't believe this is real? That's okay too! Just bend over and grab hold of your boot straps and kiss your "backside" goodbye because when our Lord is finished, you won't have another opportunity to change your mind.
If you wish to view the video, you can click on the title of this blog and it should take you there. I wish NOT to add to their advertisement capability by adding their link directly to this blog.
God Save Us From Ourselves,
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Excellent Summation of Last Night's Political Forum
A Not Very Driven Interview
August 16, 2008 - by Victor Davis Hanson
Citizens of the World at the Olympics
Obama, like Socrates, announced in Berlin that he was a citizen of the world. We see many such citizens at the Olympics, but I am not sure I would wish to be counted among them.
There were the Chinese hosts, staging a Triumph of Will-like opening ceremony with Red Army soldiers, and computer-enhanced, Cecil B. DeMille backdrops. Tiny girls, some apparently with their baby teeth, were passed off as 15-year olds in the gymnastic competitions. A Newsweek or Time was not about to do an expose such a gargantuan Olympian fraud—not when journalists were muzzled or deported.
The utopian Europeans were, well, Europeans, eager to point out the pimple on the American nose, blind to the wart on their own. So the Spanish posed in group portraits with fingers pulling at their eyes, mimicking the Asian look of their Chinese hosts—just the sort of racism that they usually allege boorish Americans engage in.
Fast forward to beach volleyball. The Swiss duo, defeated by the Americans, were classic poor sports—Jan Schnider alternately whining, pouting, and bragging in the worst sort of showmanship. The French swimmers boasted, in empty fashion, of the defeat to come of the Phelps and the Americans. And so on. If we sometimes imagine that collective European utopianism and sermonizing are psychological recompense for rather self-indulgent, self-absorbed private lives, no better window exists on that than at the Olympics.
A Purpose Driven Obama on Justice Thomas
In tonight’s Rick Warren interview, I don’t know why Obama chooses to insult a Supreme Court Justice at a religious forum, but his comments that Justice Thomas was not qualified to be on the Court were revealing. Why would Obama think, given his own credentials, that he was better qualified for President than Clarence Thomas was for the Supreme Court?
As far as working at University of Chicago Law School, the real question is how is it that Obama, without any major publications, would be qualified to teach law at Chicago? There were literally thousands of law professors who would not be hired at Chicago, even as adjuncts, who had far more impressive records of scholarship than did Barack Obama. His other comments on the Court were incoherent: Roberts gave away too much power to the executive branch—but no examples follow as evidence (especially not the FISA laws!). Scalia is bright (after all, he taught at Obama’s Chicago, we are told), but he too shouldn’t have been appointed.
More on the Warren Interview—St. Nuance
One is struck by Obama’s postmodern worldview. There are no absolutes, just nuances and contexts that preclude certainty. Evil for Obama: “A lot of evil’s been perpetuated based on the claim that we were fighting evil.”
Could he be specific where we have perpetrated “a lot of evil?”
Again, the gut instinct for Obama—whether talking about our “tragic history”, or the need for more “oppression studies” or evoking our sins in front of the Germans—is always to start out with the premise of a flawed America, rather than appreciation of the vast difference between us and the alternative. Never a word here about evil abroad, or bin Laden or Dr.
Zawahiri. No, instead, we need humility about that “lot of evil”
perpetrated by you know whom.
Somehow he is pro-choice, but anti-abortion, for man/woman marriage, but not in the legal sense, not for merit pay, but for rewarding good teachers—all this is in the manner he was against the Russians and for them while for and against the Georgians. His mushy responses were emblematic of the therapeutic style—empathy with everyone, judgment on no-one. We may soon be back to Jimmy Carter, paralyzed how to divvy up the White House Tennis Courts among feuding subordinates. He can’t say much pro or con on abortion, other than there is an ethical and moral element to the issue.
And any of you who deny that, well are just darn wrong. He is against
late-term abortion— but only if the mother’s life is in danger. And so on.
After watching some of this, I don’t think Obama will be having many town hall debates with McCain. However undeniable his calm and presence, he is simply incapable of extemporizing. A written transcript of this interview would be embarrassing, since it would be largely streams of meandering—and, but that, ah, you know, that, and, with uh, uh, I don’t think, ah, ah, that, that, I think, that, that, on, on, an issue…”
The Obama Effect
When Obama is asked a question he has not prepped for, he sort of goes into the spinning-eyes mode that one used to associate with the young Dan Quayle in his first weeks on the campaign trail. He knows he should not mouth his postmodern banalities, pauses, and then says something he knows simply won’t work. The wisest three people he knows? The first, of course, is his “raise the bar”, “downright mean” America, and “no pride in America” spouse Michelle. The second? His grandmother, whom he once told American was a “typical white person,” as he exposed her supposed racism. I’ll stop there.
America’s greatest moral failure for Obama? Poverty, racism, sexism—the same old race/class/gender mantra. As someone who just minutes ago walked out of the jammed-packed Selma Wal-Mart, in the poorest sector of a rather poor Fresno County, I would say a more likely moral failure is a sort of unthinking consumerism, where people buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have. I didn’t see poverty in the store there today, but a real poverty of the spirit, if the contents of the stuffed shopping carts are any indication.
Obama’s most gut-wrenching decision? Apparently as a state-legislator in a far left-wing district in Illinois, he opposed the war in Iraq! In fact, his “decision” had zero influence on anything other than his political livelihood in a ward of Chicago, where being anti-war was easy for a liberal politician in the Democratic Party.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Obama's Comments about the Bible
God Help Us!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
How Obama prepped world for the Antichrist - Hal Lindsey

THIS ARTICLE WAS COPIED (word for word) FROM You can read it directly from that site by clicking on the title of this blog...Dave
Posted: August 01, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
Obama's World Tour was planned as the high point of his campaign, with the candidate retracing the footsteps of great presidents of the past, hobnobbing with world leaders and as one pundit put it, "making the Europeans love us again."
Obama drew huge crowds in Berlin where he addressed them, oddly enough, as "fellow citizens of the world." It was a typically flowery Obama speech, but it hit an unexpectedly sour note when he dramatically intoned:
"People of Berlin – people of the world – this is our moment. This is our time. ... With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again."
Pundits on both sides are trying to sort it out. It's a great speech, like I said, if somebody is running for president of the world, but it was too much, even for a compliant and Obama-friendly press corps.
The politically "progressive" newspaper of record, the Washington Post nicknamed Obama the "presumptuous nominee" after his European performance.
The Boston Globe's ran a piece in its "Political Intelligence" section called the "Obama Arrogance Watch." David Letterman did one of his signature "Top 10" skits entitled, "Top Ten Signs Obama is Overconfident," leading off with a proposed bill to change Oklahoma to "Oklabama."
The London Sunday Times Online ran a brilliant satire piece called "He ventured forth to bring light into the world."
A sample paragraph: "When he was 12 years old, they found him in the temple in the City of Chicago, arguing the finer points of community organization with the Prophet Jeremiah and the Elders. And the Elders were astonished at what they heard and said among themselves: 'Verily, who is this Child that he opens our hearts and minds to the audacity of hope?'"
Before wrapping up his tour, Obama stopped by to address a gathering of minority journalists in Hawaii, where he once again apologized for what a rotten place America either used to be, or still is. It is hard to tell from his comment, "I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged."
(Wouldn't anybody besides me personally like to see somebody in the White House who doesn't think America needs apologizing for?)
Barack has apologized to the French and Germans for Americans who are too ignorant to learn their language before embarking on their once-in-a-lifetime two-week visit abroad.
He's apologized for the simple Midwestern rednecks who, forced to cling to religion and guns to justify their antipathy, just can't help themselves.
There was a time when it was considered unpatriotic to be ashamed of America, but that time is long past. Being proud of America means you are probably a Bush-loving neoconservative, so the only sure way to prevent such misidentification is to apologize for it at every opportunity.
America has never faced so many different crises at the same time in living memory. The war with al-Qaida and Islamic terror, the Iran crisis, Afghanistan, nuclear proliferation, the rising price of oil, the falling dollar, enemy acronyms like OPEC, NAM, OIC, U.N. ... Obama is correct in saying that the world is ready for someone like him – a messiah-like figure, charismatic and glib and seemingly holding all the answers to all the world's questions.
And the Bible says that such a leader will soon make his appearance on the scene. It won't be Barack Obama, but Obama's world tour provided a foretaste of the reception he can expect to receive.
He will probably also stand in some European capital, addressing the people of the world and telling them that he is the one that they have been waiting for. And he can expect as wildly enthusiastic a greeting as Obama got in Berlin.
The Bible calls that leader the Antichrist. And it seems apparent that the world is now ready to make his acquaintance.
Hal Lindsey is the best-selling non-fiction writer alive today. Among his 20 books are "Late Great Planet Earth," his follow-up on that explosive best seller, "Planet Earth: The Final Chapter" and "Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad." He writes this weekly column exclusively for WorldNetDaily.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A New "Toy" On My Blog!
I will try to mix it up as frequently as possible and again, if it is bothersome, please feel free to turn the volume down. Music is good for the soul (or so I have heard). I know that when I listen to "People Need The Lord" by the Christian Artist, Steve Green, it does my soul real good and even brings tears to my eyes just to listen to his plea. You may have read the lyrics in my last blog.
I wish to make people feel comfortable as they read what God has placed on my mind. This is my ministry for Him and I only intend to give Him the glory so I hope you enjoy some of them. I am a true "60's" person and people like the Beatles, Eagles, Chicago and others like them, really get me in a "groove" so work with me. Enjoy, and know that God is our Master Creator and He loves us "just as we are".
With all of my heart,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
People Need The Lord
Every day they pass me by,
I can see it in their eyes.
Empty people filled with care
Headed who knows where.
On they go through silent pain,
Living fear to fear.
Laughter hides their silent cries
Only Jesus hears.
People need the Lord!
People need the Lord!
At the end of broken dreams,
He's the open door.
People need the Lord!
People need the Lord!
When will we realize,
People need the Lord?
We are called to pay the price
To a world where wrong seems right
What could be too great a cost
for sharing life with one who's lost?
Through His love our hearts can see
all the dreams they bear.
They must hear the words of Life,
Only we can share.
People need the Lord!
People need the Lord!
At the end of broken dreams
He's the open door
People need the Lord
People need the Lord
When will we realize
That we must give our lives?
For People need the Lord
People need the Lord
I also have books of the bible on my iPod that I listen to. Funny how I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night having fallen asleep with headphones "pouring the Word of God" into my brain. What a magnificant narcotic.
If you know the Lord, please don't lose sight of the fact that "Others need to know also" and if you don't know the Lord, my email address is I will never tire of telling you His story.
God's Absolute Best For You Today,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"What I Want To Leave"
But as I listened to Pastor's explanation, it made me wonder, since so many of us have meager earthly possessions, what is it that we want to leave behind to those who we cherish the most in life, for memories sake. And God gave me this desire for those who are most important to me and naturally that is my wife, kids and grandkids.
I will start with my youngest daughter, Annie. There is no way to express in words what this young lady has meant to me in my life but I want to leave her something that is not only precious to me but also defines her life. I have a Biblical Commentary called "The Gospel of John" by a well known author that I am fond of by the name of Authur Pink. To explain, Annie is the kind of captivating little girl who requires (no demands) your attention when she is telling you of a situation or story in her life. She is colorful and detailed in her conversation, never leaving out the smallest detail and helping to paint a picture of the event flawlessly. Mr. Pink is that kind of author and is very detailed. This commentary is the one I have had the longest and the one I look to the most when I am looking for answers to tough questions about "Love" which is the theme of "The Gospel of John". So to Annie, eventually, I will leave this precious tool for her to use in the future. It will be precious to her as she and the author will relate so well. She will well remember my love for her each time she picks up this book.
Amy (our middle child) is different and unique in her own way and I will leave to her my most precious book of inspirational stories. The book is called "Six Hours One Friday" and it has changed my life. I have read it at least 7 times and listened to it on CD several more times driving here and there over the years. The book is by another favorite author, Max Lucado, who writes several inspirational stories. Amy's love for not only me, but her entire family is so inspirational that it is only fitting that she have this book of "my favorites" with which to remember me by (by the way, Chapters 7 & 11 are my favorite in all the world). Amy never hangs up the phone and leaves a conversation without pronouncing her love for whoever it is that she is sharing life with. This book will inspire her over the years to love even more and remember my love for her.
For my son, whose name is Bradley, I leave that item in my life that I could never have lived without. I have carried this book around the country for over 30 years now and it is so tattered & torn that there have been times when I have had to carry chapters in my shirt pocket, to keep them from getting lost. I am referring to my bible, the book that has been my most incredible inspiration in life and created in me a faith in God that could NEVER be shaken. It is a book that has told me the most about my Heavenly Father and helped me understand that the end of life is only the beginning of the eternity that "He has placed in our hearts" for a reason. It is all marked up, and some of the notes could not be understood unless I was looking over his shoulder, but when the time come, I will be and he will understand. Brad is a "Man's Man" and he has a very "keen" sense of character when it comes to his family and how to care for them. He will be the man of the house someday and will need the help this book has given me over the years to handle the rest of the family. On the back page of my bible I have pasted in a photograph of my father, and a poem that Brad wrote when he passed away. Precious keepsakes that belong in something this important. On one of the front pages of my bible is a newspaper article about a young Christian woman who was very inspirational in creating a seriousness in my spiritual life and her story is how I wish to be remembered.
And then there is my precious wife, Barb. She has lived with me over 37 years and has seen and been a part of every experience in my life good, bad or indifferent and everyday I can tell that she loves me anyway. She has had to hold up under some of the most difficult emotional situations (especially over the last 3 years) and has done a marvelous job as a wife and mother. I was just a boy when we met and between her and God, they made me into the man I am today. For Barb, the only thing I have to leave her is a little box. In this box, there are little pieces of paper. Each piece of paper starts with "I remember when..." and tells a story of 37 plus years of love, laughter, fear, pain, struggle and freedom that has been the relationship between the two of us. There are good memories and some, not so good memories in this little box, but they all add up to the sum of our relationship which has been a commitment of the HIGHEST LEVEL between us. Over the years we have made some very difficult mistakes but never has there been a time that "being together" was a mistake. God was working at His peak when he brought me to that gas station the day I first laid eyes on my wife. I can remember it as if it were yesterday afternoon. I pulled up on my bike and she was in a car. I saw her and "mouthed" the words "I love you" to her, and yet she was a complete stranger to me. Who could doubt the existence of God after that?
Then there are 4 precious grandchildren that I have; Sarah, David, Elle, and Leo. What I think is important to leave to these kids are "My Kids"! Whatever I have done over the last 37 or so years, whether it has created great joy or massive chaos in our lives, "My Kids" are what my grandchildren need in their lives. They each have wonderful spouses, who are all dedicated to their families and doing "whatever it takes" to see that their family is safe. I have not done anything special to or with my kids over the years except to love them and point them toward God as their Redeemer and Savior for life. I believe that doing that was probably the best I could have done. I know they are all safe and someday we will all be united together as God intended.
As for me, I know that I have an "incurable" cancer that will someday cause me great problems, but I was just telling my son the other night, "I think its gone!" I've read all the facts and been given all the situations related to this cancer, and I am not living in a "fantacy" world, but I choose to think that it has temporarily "left the building". I am dealing with it just fine. I have had more prayer support from people all over the world than anyone in the world deserves and I am so grateful. And I am not planning on leaving this earth anytime soon, however, the sermon our Pastor taught us last Sunday prompted me to make sure that my family business was taken care of and that each one of them received from me, what was most precious to me and most like each of them. So I'm a little sentimental; you are too. You just may not have gotten there yet. It's 4:06AM and here I am writing again. Today is my birthday!
Thanks for your love and prayer support and I look forward to writing more soon.
Dave/Dad/Spouse/Friend/Lover of God
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

Is this "Fact" or "Fiction"? There has never been a more serious time in American History than now to know who you trust and why. God will judge in the end, but we may lose some freedoms as we await that judgment. The magazine that published this cover was truly unfair to the Obama couple, however, it is actions such as this, that should cause us to ask questions and know answers. If, according to Mr. Obama, our America is no longer a Christian country, but also a Muslin, Buddhist, and even Atheist country, then we are in a "crumbling" mode and should be looking above for the return of Christ at any moment. "Maranatha" (Come quickly, Lord Jesus)...Dave
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
"I'm Prayin' for God's Job for Me"
I have a close friend who I had a long visit with the other night and he is a devoted Christian man, trying to be involved in church and wanting to be obedient to God and he said to me that he has been praying for some time now, searching for an answer from God as to what ministry He wants for him and just cannot seem to hear God's leadership at this point in his life. Well, I could not let it go unsaid, and so I said it. You don't have to pray for God's leadership in your life. In most cases with Christians today, that seems to me to be just another method of delaying the obvious in our Christian walks. God has told us very plainly, in the above verses that we have an obligation to "GO" and "Share" and "Teach" EVERYONE " observe all that has been commanded to us..."
I look at this as what I refer to a "normal traffic pattern" of life. As we "Go" we "Share"; as we "Share" we "Teach"; as we "Teach" we "Win" the lost of the world over to the Lord and they become His disciples so He can command "Them" to "Go, Make, & Teach" the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sure there are other things that need to be done within and outside of the church, like feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, ministering to the lonely, (we just delivered another chemo "Goodie Basket" to a handful of patients today) but we DO NOT HAVE TO PRAY about what God wants from us. He has made it very clear. "Go, Make & Teach" disciples about My love so they can go in return and do the same for someone else. What we fail to see is that God never said, as you fellowship within the confines of the church building "Go, Make, & Teach"
In the book of Acts, chapter 1:8 He says ..."you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth". That pretty much covered the entire map at that time. Don't find yourself so "heavenly conscious that you are, no earthly good"! You don't have to pray about your ministry. Everything you do inside and outside of the church is secondary to the action which Jesus gave to us when He said "GO".
So what does "Normal Traffic Pattern of Life" mean, anyway? Well, it means that when you are standing around the water cooler at work, the football game last night should not be the "hottest" topic. It means when you share lunch time with someone who is hurting, helping them find a "life mate" is not what God wants. It means that you must, without fear, and with the strongest conviction, open your mouth and introduce Christ as the "end all, fix all" to this life's difficulties and disasters. Don't be afraid to say what you know about Christ. The blind man who received his sight, knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and he walked away from that event declaring, "...all I know is that once I was blind and now I see." Do you see the events of the world today? They are one disaster after another and we all sit back and say, "Man, Jesus must be coming back soon." But do we believe it? Do we need to pray about it? I don't believe so.
Here's my story! All I know is Jesus! Once I was blind and then I could see (Jesus)...because someone introduced Him to me. I've knelt on a cold chemotherapy room floor in front of a chair of a lady receiving her treatment while I had a needle stuck in my chest receiving my own treatment and we prayed and asked Jesus to save her, and guess what? HE DID! Her discomfort turned to peace all at once and nothing else really mattered. Have you experienced that joy? In the "Normal Traffic Pattern of Life" God has commanded us to "Go". And when we "Go" tell His story.
What are you waiting for?
I'm even happy to help you get started. Just tell your friends to read this blog. Then have them search the verses. See if what I have said is not the truth. Then let them pass it on to their friends and tell them they got it from you. Only DON'T JUST SIT THERE AND WAIT FOR GOD TO SPEAK! HE HAS ALREADY SPOKEN!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
A Blessing of Unspeakable Generosity
Most of you are also aware of the assault against me here in this apartment complex in March of this year and our children's desire to help us be relieved of this "anxious" situation. Well, this evening, our Son & Daughter-In-Law, with the support of our daughters and their husbands, have presented Barbara and I with our very own, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, situated very near to their homes for security. It is a newer home and very beautiful. It is exactly what Barb would have picked out, had she been doing the house shopping herself and we are overwhelmed with gratitude and love for this wonderful thing that has been done to help bless me and Barb. Similar to the grace that has been bestowed upon us by our Lord Jesus Christ, our children, by their love and respect have secured our safety and peace for the rest of our lives. What a tremendous earthly blessing. Some of you have read my writing for years and tonight, I am having trouble finding words to express my feelings for the actions these precious kids have taken and how they have shown great care and respect for us. As I weep with great joy, I find myself speechless.
What I can say is that Barbara and I have tried for decades to be faithful to God and His direction in our lives. We have been willing servants, stumbling and falling from time to time, but never feeling that God ever one time, has turned His back on us. Tonight with such a precious action, Barb and I want to renew our commitment to God's every little detail in our lives, and continue our commitment to His work in our lives.
I wanted to share this with all of you right away and we will be posting photos as soon as they are available. Our phone remains the same and we will be getting new email addresses as we change our internet service at that time to Cox Cable Service. We will keep you posted. I will never forget that this has happened because all of you have prayed and our Father in Heaven has heard your prayers.
We love you all,
Dave & Barb Stallings
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Praise of Wonderful Value!
I want to share a praise about a close friend of mine in Colorado. His name is Bill and a short time ago he was suspected of having a cancer on his body that was a very dangerous kind. My wife can pronounce the name of it but I cannot. I have prayed for my brother and in his own faith, he too, has prayed and God has answered our prayers. His wife's name is Mimi and they both are two very special people in our lives and we have had to give them over to God and so it has been done, in God's timing.
Yesterday afternoon, God chose to give us the wonderful news that even though the cancer was of the more serious in nature, the "margins" were all clear, meaning that during the procedure, they were able to remove all of the cancer and my good friend Bill is left with none. PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE GIFTS! Now my friend is clear and should suffer no difficulties from this event in his life. And what is so remarkable is that he is a brave, yet God fearing man, who has placed his life in God's hands to do as He sees fit. I constantly pray that God would strengthen my faith to this level of comfort. God has been gracious to Bill in healing him and just as Jesus tells Peter in Luke 22:31-32, "after Satan has requested permission to sift (Bill) like wheat, God told Bill to help his brothers when he recovers" (paraphrased-its 4am and my eyes are not open well but I just had to share).
Bill is a vibrant, fun loving, evangelist who is very much needed in today's world for the purposes of God and His developing plan for us and I am overwhelmed with joy for my brother's good report. You might continue to pray that Bill continues to heal from the actual procedure and that his recovery will be complete.
God is the greatest physician and I wish we could all get a dose of that type of medicine. Just going through a "valley" like that cannot help but strengthen our faith. Thank you so much for your prayers. I am a selfish man and there are people in this world I want God to handle DIRECTLY.
Well, "It Is What It Is" and God is still on His throne.
God bless,
Monday, April 28, 2008
Seek only God's approval
Are you one of those people looking for the approval of another man or woman, perhaps a close relative? Have you been this way most of your life? I know that in my own life I have forever sought the approval of a close friend, never to see the love for, or the respect of me, from that person and I grow weary that our friendship is superficial. Sometimes I think "I need to find a way to say that it hurts me deeply", but never find the strength. They become closer to you than your own brothers or sisters, yet you do not seem to have the respect from them that you give to them.
Do you find yourself there sometimes with some special people. Take a close look at the verse above. We tell our precious Catholic friends that we have a high priest of our own and are not required, according to the bible, to get another to forgive our sins or see another man in this light (this is not a lesson on Catholicism). Yet we all continue to seek the approval of others in life.
God has said in His word that we have our "Own High Priest" - Jesus Christ, who we can go to and find peace. Our friends cannot "sympathize with our weaknesses" so why do we constantly seek their approval. We are "Great Ambassadors" of the Lord in the sight of God. We should begin to act the part.
If that close friend continues to treat you as a second class citizen, you don't have to make him/her aware of it (he/she probably already knows). God sees "...the thoughts and intentions of the heart". Therefore, we don't have to seek the approval of others when the Lord is watching after us. Let God open their hearts as they see you walk with the Lord day after day.
Don't lower your opinion of yourself just because someone close to you thinks or treats others more highly than you! You are a "Gem" in the sight of our God. So "shine" that way in everything that you do. At some poiint, others will notice. And after all, isn't God, what you want people to see in you?
Just a thought!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
"We Are The Clay"

I received this devotion in my email today and it was so special that I had to share it. I hope you enjoy it and send it to a friend in need. God is so gracious in our greatest time of need, isn't He?
April 22, 2008
Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
--Isaiah 64:8
During the Great Depression, a good man lost his job, used up all his savings, and forfeited his home. His grief was multiplied by the sudden death of his wife just weeks later. The only thing he had left was his faith, and it had been weakened.
One day, the man walked about looking for work when he stopped to watch some men doing stonework on a church building. One of the men skillfully chiseled a triangular piece of rock that didn't seem to fit in the formation they were creating. So the man shouted to the artist, "Where are you going to put that?"
The man pointed toward the top of the building and said, "See that opening up there near the spire? That's where it goes. I'm shaping it down here so it will fit up there."
Tears filled the poor man's eyes as he walked away. The worker's words rang clear and spoke deeply to his heart giving new meaning to his difficult situation.
You may be reading this and going through a difficult time yourself right now. It may be something even too troubling to talk to anyone about. But you can know for certain "that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).
Each blow of the hammer and chisel in your life may hurt.
But have faith. These difficulties are only temporary! Sometimes the most painful blows bring about the greatest inner strength. Keep praying and believing that the Master is shaping you down here so you will be fit up there.
PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask the Lord to turn your tragedy into triumph, and strengthen your spirit when life painfully hammers you from all sides.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Things That Matter Most
Today we got up and took our Jeep to the dealership because the air conditioning was acting up and being that we live in Arizona, we really need that part of the car to work right. Anyway, we decided to go have breakfast at one of our favorite places; we asked to be seated in our favorite waitresses tables and got a chance to talk to her. Fifteen years ago she had breast cancer and got a clean bill of health back some 10 or so years ago. This morning she told us that she has to have a bone biopsy on Thursday because they saw a mass and suspect it is back and now in her bones.
Still smiling, she continued to serve us our coffee and breakfast and maintained a "steadfast" attitude even though you could see there was a little uneasiness in her voice. A wonderful Christian woman, still deeply concerned. So we ministered to her and will help her home from her test on Thursday.
Later on this afternoon, I went to the bank to open an account and the lady who helped me had Thyroid cancer removed from her neck 5 years ago and just two weeks ago another suspicious form in her neck was removed. I got her name and assured her that I would pray for her. We talked about God and His role in these times and she seemed to become more calm, the longer we talked.
These two incidents today made me think of why I have cancer and what my role is here on earth. If I am in a constant state of "worry" how am I supposed to minister to people that God brings in front of me? My food, drink or clothes I wear. How do they compare to doing the will of the Father? And so that is why Jesus says, "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life..." (NLT)
We have more to do in our everyday lives than worry about so many things. "Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly father feeds them. Aren't you more valuable to him than they are?" I believe so.
Hear God's word and become "worry free" in your walk with the Lord. See how He will bless your life!
Friday, March 28, 2008
According to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus
Because of Him
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Reflecting on my thankfulness!
But I wanted to talk about thankfulness. In the verse above, Mary came to the tomb that Sunday morning for the purpose of caring for a "dead man". Someone she was sure was dead, had been buried and she fully expected to find Him in His place, unmoved and without any disruption. When she arrived, she noticed that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb and that alone was enough to arouse her suspicions and cause her to run back to tell her friends about the situation. How many thoughts crossed her mind as she ran back to tell the news. Is it possible that she was thankful that "something" was up at the gravesite that would cause an investigation? Perhaps! Of course when the complete discovery was made, everyone who knew of the Christ became thankful that His words became "fact" that beautiful Sunday morning.
As it turns into Easter Sunday morning here in my home, I am so thankful. I am thankful that we have a God who cared enough about our eternity to send Jesus, to do what no one else could have ever done, so that we might live forever. Something is wrong with all of us; our bodies, that is. They were not created to sustain life forever (well maybe originally). But our spirit was. And I am thankful that God breathed life into the first Adam and gave him the spirit that dwells in us tonight. Thankful for the trials that have allowed me to speak to others in a way that could have never been possible otherwise. Just getting time to share Christ with a Catholic friend last weekend from Mexico was such a thrill and it would have never been possible without God's actions in my life. In his broken English he explained to me that I "Wide his thoughts". How precious was his response. I am thankful that God has put people in front of me that would never have crossed my path had some of these medical conditions not existed. But mostly, I am thankful that we have a savior who was powerful enough to cross the barrier from death into life and today, intercedes for you and me.
Today is Easter Sunday 2008 and I am very thankful. Too thankful to not mention it and too thankful to take the time and space to list all of the blessings, except to say. I hope you are considering your thankfulness on this special day in our lives.
Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday 2008!
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Pope and his crew?
Another thing, while we are on the subject is that your "excessive wealth" will send you straight to hell as well. Now, my new friend I just met over this past weekend from Mexico City and I had a serious discussion about the Pope and the Saints and the Virgin Mary. Of course I told him the truth. I explained to him that the bible teaches us that because of Jesus' death on the cross, we have been made free to go directly to Christ Himself (Hebrews teaches about the "Priesthood of the Believer") with our prayers and petitions and there was no reason to ask another man to see that our sins are forgiven. He naturally was shocked to hear my response but not offended because of respect and wanted to know more. So he asked about the Saints and then about the Virgin Mary. I said, Juan, the Virgin Mary is a very important woman worthy of ultimate respect as she was chosen by God to be the woman who would carry the baby Jesus in her womb. She would certainly be blessed beyond measure. However, Juan, as with any other person on this earth, she is just another woman, not to be elevated above another. She is Christ's mother and nothing more. She has just as much need for a savior as you do.
At the end of our conversation, and because I was very sensitive to his heart, I placed my hand on his shoulder and said, "Juan, I mean no disrespect at all, but I would have failed you (and God) miserably if I had not told you the truth. I love the new friendship we have established here and want to make sure it is nurtured with the truth of God and not a ""watered down"" version of what man thinks." Juan immediately hugged me and said to me, "You do not offend me, in fact you WIDE MY THOUGHTS!" In his humble broken English, he was telling me that our discussion has caused him to think more seriously about God, Jesus and his faith. We are getting him a real bible and I am confident that he will have a thousand questions which I will spend the remainder of my life answering if necessary.
Here's the bottom line, Pope or no Pope! Jesus Christ died ONCE in order to cover ALL the sins of the world (along with anything that someone can dream up as sin). This is a biblical fact. To establish a committee to review the possibility of creating more ways to sin, does little more than place Jesus Christ, our Lord, BACK ON THAT CROSS AGAIN, and requires Him to go through the same motions all over again. When will the world learn that Jesus said, from the cross, "IT IS FINISHED" and that meant that it was ALL covered from the beginning and throughout eternity.
In the book of Revelation, we received "THE LAST REVELATION" from God as He presented it to the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos and this was truly the LAST revelation. No others required, even if they are "New ways to sin". The end of the book says "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book; if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book." (Rev. 22:18,19)
Do yourself a favor. Don't get caught trying to correct God. He loves you too much to have made a mistake in the first place.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
An E-mail to Mr. Hannity
Mr. Sean Hannity,
I am a 56 year-old white male, diagnosed with a non-curable cancer 3 years ago and I listen to you in Phoenix at KFYI and watch your television show as much as I possibly can. I do NOT want Social Healthcare to take care of me. I want the pleasure of caring for myself. Using my God given gifts and talents to seek out and find the answers for my own problems. I do NOT want these burdens of mind placed on the shoulders of the American public. Everyone has enough problems of their own.
I have only considered myself a Christian since April of 1975 when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Since then I have graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, held different positions within the church, including Senior Pastor, and currently minister via website ( to several hundred hurting people who suffer from various chronic diseases, some of which will die someday soon. Recently I stopped considering myself a Christian and began to clarify my position as a “fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ”. We have created too much confusion in the world over religious issues, many of which I am sure God did not plan that way. Christianity is “almost” embarrassing these days because people from the pulpit (who I cannot even respect by calling pastors) have picked up some kind of political or emotional mantel (which usually has little to do with the teaching of the Bible) and decided that the best way to grow their congregations is to stand for this “something”. And they usually attempt to stand for something completely contrary to God Himself. Whether it be terrorism, economics, health coverage (or the lack thereof), candidates, In God we “cannot” trust and the list goes on and on, they begin to present their stance, with either strong misguided conviction or complete uneducated stupidity and before you know it, people like Jeremiah Wright are exposed for the foolish people that they are.
God gave us His word as a “road map” to the peace of God that He wants all of us to eventually experience, but it comes with particular rules and convictions, none of which, I see flowing from today’s Christianity as a whole. And at 9:00 O’clock tonight, 20 million or so people got a chance to see what one of these “false prophets” ( Jeremiah Wright) looks and acts like. My biggest concern is that the “lost” of this world cannot tell the difference. I watched all of it and have reviewed all the videos to date and cannot remember hearing about Jesus Christ in any of it. AND THAT IS MR. WRIGHTS JOB AS A “PRESENTER OF THE WORD”. TO INTRODUCE CHRIST. NOT BARACK OBAMA!
Even the mega churches are drawing their congregations by using the “easy believism” theology that is running so rampant in “Post-Modern Theology” today. John Mac Arthur begins his book “Hard To Believe” by saying “Do you want to be forgiven of all your sins; freed from judgment and eternal punishment; to be rescued from Satan’s power to become a beloved child of God and to be lavishly enriched forever with wonders and astonishing experiences in the limitless joys of heaven? That’s the question! If your answer is “No” then give this book to someone else. If you answer “Yes”, know this! You can want God’s love, grace, forgiveness, blessing and the inconceivable bliss of heaven; you can want it badly and never get it. Why so? Because you are misinformed about how. Does that make sense? The world is filled with millions of people who think they are headed for heaven, but they are deadly wrong. Probably most people think that heaven awaits them; but it doesn’t! But what is especially sad is that many of those people sit in evangelical churches, misinformed. If you are still with me and you want the truth for yourself and others, keep reading.” (Quoted directly from audio book by John Mac Arthur, Hard To Believe).
That’s what I see today. Many, many pulpiteers who have “taken up their OWN cross (or agenda)” and headed off to follow the yellow brick road to public ministry without bothering to invite Jesus along at all. Mr. Jeremiah Wright is one of them and I feel confident in saying that he didn’t just suddenly change directions and head down this path when Barack Obama began his campaign for President of the United States.
So you do well in your fight against this power. For this is a power driven by Satan himself, with his aspirations of greater leadership by using the tools left on this earth for him to use. That’s right. The Bible says that the “Prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2) is none other than Satan himself and he rules in the spiritual realm here on earth. None of us have heard yet, of the agenda of Mr. Obama and we may not be surprised when we finally do. I just hope and pray that his agenda is not introduced while standing in front of the Seal of the President of the United States of America!
Just my thoughts.
About the Author
Dave Stallings lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife of 36 years, Barbara, Who also suffers a serious chronic illness, and their dog, Captain Jack…along with their kids and grand kids ! Dave is a semi-retired pastor and loves to blog on his personal web page since being diagnosed with Stage IV incurable non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma two and a half years ago..his motto is “It is what it is and God is not surprised”….his blog is, his personal testimony can be read at and he can be reached by email at
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It’s 5:15 in the morning and I am still awake from the pain in my back from the cancer lesion that was removed from my back yesterday morning. They said that I would experience some pain after the local numbing medication wore off and they were right. I am, indeed, wide awake, and unable to sleep from that experience, however it seems to be yet another opportunity in my life to allow God to be glorified. I cannot, on my own, endure the difficulties that go on in my defective “tent” so I sit here at my laptop, attempting to “present my body, as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God…” and allow Him to minister to my needs even now at another inconvenient time. And as the scripture says, Paul reminds us to NOT be “…conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds”.
I have seen that over the past 3 years now, nothing outshines God in my life, nothing is more important and nothing is capable of “calming” my mind and spirit the way that just thinking of God is able to do. So I think of God a lot in these times. “…being transformed” and “…renewing my mind” makes me think that I am, daily getting closer to God and farther from the securities (or perhaps insecurities) of this world. I seem to be reminded every day, by something that this world is not our home and I am simply just passing through. This is the thought process that helps us shake off the fears of life and know that our God is preparing us for an eternity in the presence of His Glory. Makes me wonder how it is that others can endure some of life’s hardships without His Spirit residing in them.
The passage of scripture goes on to say “…so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is GOOD and ACCEPTABLE and PERFECT.” It is words from God like that which take me all the way back to the beginning when God created this world for us and He said, upon completion of each event that “it was good” (Genesis 1). Can you look at a “thorn in your flesh” this morning and see that it is good? If you can, then perhaps you are being transformed and renewed in mind and spirit by the only force that can give you true peace. After all, isn’t true peace what we are all looking for in this life? Paul says earlier in Romans that he is “…not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Ro. 1:16).
Are you listening close enough to God to have the power to be transformed and renewed, in spite of the difficult and sometimes, near impossible situations in this life? Next Thursday I get the opportunity to have another PET SCAN for the Lymphoma and I really expect the cancer to still be sleeping. I believe that God has done that for me. He can do that for you, too. Take the time, each day to be transformed and renewed, and know that God is the only tool you need.