Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Saturday, March 15, 2008

An E-mail to Mr. Hannity

Mr. Sean Hannity,

I am a 56 year-old white male, diagnosed with a non-curable cancer 3 years ago and I listen to you in Phoenix at KFYI and watch your television show as much as I possibly can. I do NOT want Social Healthcare to take care of me. I want the pleasure of caring for myself. Using my God given gifts and talents to seek out and find the answers for my own problems. I do NOT want these burdens of mind placed on the shoulders of the American public. Everyone has enough problems of their own.

I have only considered myself a Christian since April of 1975 when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Since then I have graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, held different positions within the church, including Senior Pastor, and currently minister via website ( to several hundred hurting people who suffer from various chronic diseases, some of which will die someday soon. Recently I stopped considering myself a Christian and began to clarify my position as a “fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ”. We have created too much confusion in the world over religious issues, many of which I am sure God did not plan that way. Christianity is “almost” embarrassing these days because people from the pulpit (who I cannot even respect by calling pastors) have picked up some kind of political or emotional mantel (which usually has little to do with the teaching of the Bible) and decided that the best way to grow their congregations is to stand for this “something”. And they usually attempt to stand for something completely contrary to God Himself. Whether it be terrorism, economics, health coverage (or the lack thereof), candidates, In God we “cannot” trust and the list goes on and on, they begin to present their stance, with either strong misguided conviction or complete uneducated stupidity and before you know it, people like Jeremiah Wright are exposed for the foolish people that they are.

God gave us His word as a “road map” to the peace of God that He wants all of us to eventually experience, but it comes with particular rules and convictions, none of which, I see flowing from today’s Christianity as a whole. And at 9:00 O’clock tonight, 20 million or so people got a chance to see what one of these “false prophets” ( Jeremiah Wright) looks and acts like. My biggest concern is that the “lost” of this world cannot tell the difference. I watched all of it and have reviewed all the videos to date and cannot remember hearing about Jesus Christ in any of it. AND THAT IS MR. WRIGHTS JOB AS A “PRESENTER OF THE WORD”. TO INTRODUCE CHRIST. NOT BARACK OBAMA!

Even the mega churches are drawing their congregations by using the “easy believism” theology that is running so rampant in “Post-Modern Theology” today. John Mac Arthur begins his book “Hard To Believe” by saying “Do you want to be forgiven of all your sins; freed from judgment and eternal punishment; to be rescued from Satan’s power to become a beloved child of God and to be lavishly enriched forever with wonders and astonishing experiences in the limitless joys of heaven? That’s the question! If your answer is “No” then give this book to someone else. If you answer “Yes”, know this! You can want God’s love, grace, forgiveness, blessing and the inconceivable bliss of heaven; you can want it badly and never get it. Why so? Because you are misinformed about how. Does that make sense? The world is filled with millions of people who think they are headed for heaven, but they are deadly wrong. Probably most people think that heaven awaits them; but it doesn’t! But what is especially sad is that many of those people sit in evangelical churches, misinformed. If you are still with me and you want the truth for yourself and others, keep reading.” (Quoted directly from audio book by John Mac Arthur, Hard To Believe).

That’s what I see today. Many, many pulpiteers who have “taken up their OWN cross (or agenda)” and headed off to follow the yellow brick road to public ministry without bothering to invite Jesus along at all. Mr. Jeremiah Wright is one of them and I feel confident in saying that he didn’t just suddenly change directions and head down this path when Barack Obama began his campaign for President of the United States.

So you do well in your fight against this power. For this is a power driven by Satan himself, with his aspirations of greater leadership by using the tools left on this earth for him to use. That’s right. The Bible says that the “Prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2) is none other than Satan himself and he rules in the spiritual realm here on earth. None of us have heard yet, of the agenda of Mr. Obama and we may not be surprised when we finally do. I just hope and pray that his agenda is not introduced while standing in front of the Seal of the President of the United States of America!

Just my thoughts.

About the Author


Dave Stallings lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife of 36 years, Barbara, Who also suffers a serious chronic illness, and their dog, Captain Jack…along with their kids and grand kids ! Dave is a semi-retired pastor and loves to blog on his personal web page since being diagnosed with Stage IV incurable non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma two and a half years ago..his motto is “It is what it is and God is not surprised”….his blog is, his personal testimony can be read at and he can be reached by email at

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