Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Blessing of Unspeakable Generosity

In the book of Malachi, Chapter 3, verse 10b it says "...test Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows." What the prophet is speaking of here is the completeness, not only of the "tithe" but of your whole self for God's bidding and He will bless you with unspeakable blessings. Most of you who have followed our story over the last several years are aware that it is the desire of our heart to "bring our whole selves" into the house of the Lord to be used as He sees fit. And there have been many situations where He has, most assuredly, used Barbara and I for His Glory and we are grateful for these opportunities. We have dedicated ourselves to the ministry of those who continually suffer pain and grief and God continues to be faithful. The stories and praises are unending. And they continue tonight.

Most of you are also aware of the assault against me here in this apartment complex in March of this year and our children's desire to help us be relieved of this "anxious" situation. Well, this evening, our Son & Daughter-In-Law, with the support of our daughters and their husbands, have presented Barbara and I with our very own, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, situated very near to their homes for security. It is a newer home and very beautiful. It is exactly what Barb would have picked out, had she been doing the house shopping herself and we are overwhelmed with gratitude and love for this wonderful thing that has been done to help bless me and Barb. Similar to the grace that has been bestowed upon us by our Lord Jesus Christ, our children, by their love and respect have secured our safety and peace for the rest of our lives. What a tremendous earthly blessing. Some of you have read my writing for years and tonight, I am having trouble finding words to express my feelings for the actions these precious kids have taken and how they have shown great care and respect for us. As I weep with great joy, I find myself speechless.

What I can say is that Barbara and I have tried for decades to be faithful to God and His direction in our lives. We have been willing servants, stumbling and falling from time to time, but never feeling that God ever one time, has turned His back on us. Tonight with such a precious action, Barb and I want to renew our commitment to God's every little detail in our lives, and continue our commitment to His work in our lives.

I wanted to share this with all of you right away and we will be posting photos as soon as they are available. Our phone remains the same and we will be getting new email addresses as we change our internet service at that time to Cox Cable Service. We will keep you posted. I will never forget that this has happened because all of you have prayed and our Father in Heaven has heard your prayers.

We love you all,

Dave & Barb Stallings

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