Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Do not be discouraged!

In Luke 9:62 Jesus says, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Tomorrow, November 1, 2008, my family and I will participate in our Fourth Annual “Light the Night Walk” for a cure for Lymphoma. We have come to consider this a part of our life and the “cause” is a part of my family. So, every October, we walk for the cure. We have raised a lot of money for the research for Lymphoma and become a more intimate family in the process. So I look forward to the walk tomorrow night and will enjoy seeing some of the familiar faces from previous years. Some won’t be there because their time has come to an end. But mine has not and we continue to “look forward” to what God has in store for us all.

Almost 4 years ago, when the oncologist told me that I had cancer, I said to her, “Dr., I just want you to know that there is nothing you can do for me that God doesn’t want done; and at the same time, you can work miracles in my life, if it is God’s will!” I didn’t realize that I was offending her when I said that. I just wanted her to know about my faith and trust in God and that her treatment of me was secondary to His perfect will for me. From that time forward, she seemed to have a certain level of animosity toward me, as if I had taken her job as “god” away from her. When we would have an appointment with her, I was always upbeat and joyful until she finally became very stern with me and my wife, telling us that we were NOT facing reality and that I was in denial about the cancer. All of the statistics indicated that my life expectancy was from 1.3 to 7.9 years and that was what I needed to focus on, according to her. Needless to say, we realized it was time to move on from her practice and search out a doctor who would treat us without discriminating against our faith.

We did so in year number 2 and have been with my current oncologist beyond our 3rd year now. I believe that the above scripture verse very adequately states my direction for life after finding out about this disease that had attached itself to my body. We, as Christian men and women, have an obligation to dedicate our lives to a “cause greater that ourselves” (Sen. John McCain). This is what, not only I but my wife, my children, my extended family and everyone who shares in this event with us has dedicated themselves to. We know that there is more to this life than just our “70 plus” years in these tents we call bodies. When I found out about the cancer, I didn’t go to God and ask him to give me time to see that my children had all graduated. I didn’t suggest to him that because I had grandchildren, I had certain rights that could not be treated in this manner. I didn’t ask Him to make sure I was able to bury my own parents before anything happened to me. I just said, I guess there is a ministry of some kind here that ONLY I can fulfill in God’s sight. So I put my hands on the plow. I have not looked back and do not expect to ever have to look back.

Shortly after the diagnosis, a close friend was also diagnosed with Lung Cancer in August of that same year. He was gone before the end of the year. But the night before he died, I got a chance to sit at his bedside and share a little bit about God with him. And the last thing that I said to him was “Mike, When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly." I believe that my friend Mike is flying tonight.

Do you call yourself a Christian Man or Woman tonight? Are you truly a “Faithful Follower of Jesus Christ”? If you are, then simply place your hands “on the plow”, don’t look back, and follow God! He not only knows where He is going but also knows where He is taking you. He is taking you to your next “Mission Field”.

About the Author
Dave Stallings lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife of 36 years, Barbara, who also suffers a serious chronic illness, and their dog, Captain Jack…along with their kids and grand kids ! Dave is a semi-retired pastor and loves to blog on his personal web page since being diagnosed with Stage IV incurable non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma over 3 years ago...his motto is “It is what it is and God is not surprised”….his website is and his blog is, and he can be reached by email at

There are some who are receiving this devotion who have concerns about reading other devotions and finding that they do not share the same core values so Barb and I have decided to try to dedicate ourselves to a continued devotional message. They will all be copied onto my website under the “Devotions” link at you can go there to view other devotions and keep track of my progress…Dave

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