Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Do you know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you" (1 Corinthians 3:16)? How do we wrap our heads around that passage of scripture? Is it true? Is it possible for our bodies to be the temple of God? WITHOUT A DOUBT! When a person recognizes his or her sin, repents of it, the next step is to invite Christ to dwell within our hearts; and wouldn't you want it that way?

The God of the Universe resides within my heart. He prompts me to minister to those in need. He leads me toward righteousness, and He CONVICTS me when I find myself knee deep in sin. Isn't that what we want? A presence that will watch out for our every need and immediately supply solutions for those needs?

You (if you truly know Christ as your Savior and Lord) are a dwelling place (sanctuary) for Jesus Christ to be the centerpiece of your life. This should bring you great joy. And of course it should drastically affect the way you lead your life. And if you are not a true believer, you should be very concerned. Because in life there is only "Good & Evil" which naturally backs the theory of a "Heaven & Hell."

Consider these comments very carefully because they could mean the difference between Heaven & Hell for you. This is very serious business. And if you believe there is nothing waiting for you after your death, all I can say is you better hope your right. Otherwise your eternity might just get a "little warm".


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