Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bible Names For Jesus Christ: Our Passover

I chose this name "Our Passover" because of its emotional significance.  It was He, Jesus who instituted the Passover in the Old Testament and the significance that came with it.  When words fail me, and I can think of nothing more, I can always remember that God provided "My Passover", Jesus The Christ, sufficient for all of my needs and my deeds.  Do you understand the importance and significance of that statement?  He, Jesus, Our Messiah, Our Deliverer, The One Who Died In Our Place, was indeed, "The Passover". 

And what did He provide with this "passing over", as such?  He gave us our eternal life, free from the bondage's of sin and grief.  If that's not enough for you, something in your heart is missing, however, His gift of "passing over" provided us with our mansions in glory that we might all share together someday in Heaven.

Take a moment and think about how, Jesus, being "our passover" has treasured your life.  If you cannot think of some things it has done, then you may need to go back to the cross and start over (once saved, always saved still applies here).


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