Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Can You Do Better Than God?

" first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:33 & 34).

I know a lot of people who "worry" about EVERYTHING in life.  It sometime makes me think it is "their ministry" to worry because they do so much of it.  Worry about this and worry about that, showing very little faith in the Great God that they believe in to care for their needs.

But then you look up just a few verses to verse 27 and here is Jesus Himself saying, "And which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span?"  And it's the truth.  We have serious financial problems or suddenly our health decides to "tank" on us and we are "all over" that worry concept.  How will we continue to live? or pay for the things we currently have under this new set of circumstances?.  I remember a very famous Christian singer, Carman asking once, "What are you doing, living "under the circumstances?"  And that is my point.  Our lives develop a set of circumstances and immediately we begin to plan and develop strategies as to how we will survive "under this new circumstance" that has come our way. (I will stop here and say that there are many more verses applying to "worry and anxiety" so the Lord knew that we would struggle in the flesh with these issues since He walked around humans for 33 years of His mortal don't think I'm making light of the worry/anxious issue..)

We look at life through a pane of glass that has no ability to show us the real reasons for these circumstances.  We simply see them and begin to panic and plan and worry about how to change our lives to "fit this new situation" and I don't believe that God intended that at all.  My belief is that God intended us to be very ready for anything that might come along.  I remember that Paul spoke to us saying, "preach the word; be ready, in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction" (2 Timothy 4:2).

Finally I see here in Matthew 7: 7 & 8 that Jesus says, "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened."

Now that doesn't mean we believe we need a new airplane so we "ask, and it shall be given..."  Jesus was explaining to the disciples that the worry and anxiety that we struggle over deals with everyday life.  Ask for God's strength, ask for God's will, ask for God's purpose and allow Him to work though you and the things you "think" you need will take a back seat to the "doors He will open to you."  Believe me as I have been there.  Very early on in my own dilemma, I stopped asking God to heal me, but rather, use my circumstance to help further the kingdom of His righteousness.  I still have cancer, and guess what?  He has assured me that I will still have it until He takes me home or performs a miracle.  However, He is pleased that while "under the circumstances" I am willing to be used for His glory.

Are you there yet?  You need to get there!  Get on your knees before the "Father of light" and stay there until He assures you that HE IS STILL IN CONTROL! 

Here's a confession:  I live on SSDI (Social Security Disability Income) and my money comes from them on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.  I have been receiving these payments for over 5 years now and take a look at the time of this writing.  Yes, it is Wednesday morning, close to 3 AM, and my internal alarm went on so I got out of bed, turned on the computer and looked at my banking account to see that "Uncle Sam" paid me as committed.  Why did I need to lose that sleep?  Well, I can assure you that my SSDI was not the reason, however, it did give me an opportunity to search God's Word for something to say to you!  Can't think of a more perfect way to "lean on God" for His perfect understanding.  "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." 

Suddenly it all make perfect sense!


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