Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hopefully Rested Up Now!

To those of you who come daily to look at my blog, you may have noticed that I have been "out of pocket" for about a month. I have taken some time for reflection, understanding, growing, hurting, learning, and enjoying some leisure time with my wife (need more of that).

On Thursday of this week I have to go back in for a Bone Marrow Biopsy because of some blood testing over the last couple of months that has not gone "really well"! I would ask for your continued prayer support and that you also come back and read my writings.

I have accumulated a large portion of my devotions to try to develop into book form, not because I consider myself as a writer but rather because everything I have written has come from the heart of God and He has used me as an instrument of His glory and I wish to share with as many as possible. I am considering a daily devotional booklet that I thought would be good for taking to work. I was considering the title of "Work Week Devotions" with a sub-title of "A desktop devotional to walk you through your week!" I mention that for posterity sake because these posting are timestamped.

Thanks for your support and the next posting you read will be me, getting back to God's business.

God Bless You All,


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