Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Have Your Lights Gone Out?

"Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). This verse is on my schedule of verses to meditate on and write about and it has been uppermost in my mind for over four years now. Ever since the doctors have been working with my blood (the cancer), I have been using this verse to lean, (sometimes very hard) on.

God's word has indeed been a "lamp to my feet" as I have walked in Malls, grocery stores, churches, and any number of other places I've walked. There are times (because you know, no matter how strong you are, these kind of diseases never leave your mind) when I have had very little light to take the next step in during the last four years. It has always been during these times, that God's word has been there. It has been the flashlight necessary to see me get to where I am going. Sometimes a flashlight and then other times a "Spotlight" to help me see farther down the path, the multiple medical needs that arise.

What about when the path we walk on becomes "rocky" or has very tall grass to maneuver through? What about those times when the path is so "uphill" that you literally have to walk using your legs and your arms to stay on the path. I'm talking about those times that your trial is so difficult that you can hardly pull yourself up to take the next step on the path. To me, it is very comforting to know that God's word not only lights where my feet are but He also give me a "lighted path" to travel through. It's that path (or that word) that helps remind me every day that it is God who is guiding me and it is His strength that I walk through life using.

There are those of you who have, your entire life been very faithful to God and today, due to some unforeseen tragedy or trial in your life, have forgotten that it is God who supplies the light to guide your way. You have perhaps forgotten how to install the "energizer" batteries that power your flashlight or your spotlight for whatever need. You only need to go back to God's word and get those batteries recharged and allow Him to comfort you as you walk your journey.

You may say, "Friend, that is easy for you to say, you've not lost your job or had your spouse leave you, or you haven't lost every dime you've ever worked for" and you would be right. Compared to a majority of others, I have lived a very comfortable and successful life. I just have a non-curable cancer that we found out yesterday is likely emerging into a second type of cancer called AML (acute myelogenous leukemia).

So Yes, my friend, if you are going through an emotional or painful trial, there is some portion of it that I could probably relate to. "But God!" That is how I live my life. God is indeed, "the lamp to my feet, and the light to my path." I cannot imagine any other way to get by during times like these.

Today I babysat my 2 year-old grandson and while he slept, I attempted to change the channel on the television only to find that the remote needed new batteries. I was not going to change anything until I changed or recharged the batteries in that remote. Maybe it's time to pick up your remote (God's Word) which is already "fully charged" and allow Him to "light your path"!


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