Riding home tonight, I was able to hear, on Fox News, all of the details of the "B3 Summit involving a "white" policeman, a "black" professor, and the President of the United States of America!
How utterly embarrassing to our Nation. Our current President has managed to demean and disgrace the office with which he holds. Sometime during the course of this Thursday, our President has invited the, now famous police officer and a Harvard (I believe) Professor to the White House for the purpose of brokering a peace agreement between the 3 of them over a few "beers". Isn't that just wonderful. Why would I think this. And by the way, before I continue, I expect some of the people that I know, who know that I profess to be Christian to believe that I have fallen "over the edge" over this, and I probably have, but as an American, I feel disgraced and embarrassed for the office he is disparaging.
Of course, as we all understand, as intelligent Americans, is that the reason Mr. Obama wishes to do this and wants the American public to know about it (via media) is so he can be seen as a peacemaker. Indeed, a peacemaker. Now I do understand that Mr Obama is NOT the Antichrist, but he is the closest thing this country has ever seen as a "forerunner" to the Antichrist, and we better grab hold of our "backsides" because it is "coming" and coming quickly.
Why would I want to address this, simplest of issues? I choose to answer this question with a question. And my question is, "Why is this Presidential intervention so ABSOLUTELY necessary, at the tax-payers expense, when we are looking down the barrel of very dangerous weapons of mass destruction from both Korea and Iran?" Why is this necessary when we still have men and women dying on foriegn soil? Why does our President believe that it is so important that he NOT humble himself and admit that he made some immature remarks concerning this police/citizen event, in otherwise, apologize?
We have a Nation which economically is very nearly "on its knees" in a choke hold, we have the unemployment rate at dangerously close to 10%, we have an administration who has already bankrupted our children and grand children's futures and attempting to reach out to even further generations with his "debt-ability" and our President, using the tools of the office for which he was elected by the American people, negotiating a "peace treaty" between himself and two other "insignificant others" (no disrespect intended to these two men).
This is not laughable! This is tragic. As I watched the news over the weekend, I noticed that Senator John McCain made a "one word" reference to what is taking place in our country today..."INEXPERIENCE"! And by the way, as Christian men and women, you should also be furious about the "carryings on" in our Nations Capitol and our Presidents office. This is more "disrespect" and "disgrace" than I have ever seen take place in the highest office in our land than I have seen or heard of in 58 years of life.
While our Nation "teeters" on possible total destruction while other rogue nations continue to aim their animosity at our husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, our children and grandchildren, our President has openly and publically announced that he fears more, the embarrassment and humiliation of his remarks than the safety and freedom of our Nation.
If you are reading this post, it is truly time to stand up and take action. I don't know if I have the right, but I would call for the "Impeachment" of this treasonous traitor to our Nation and all of the thugs he brought with him. As for you, you should be "hopping" mad and wanting to make a difference.
How do you think you can do that? I don't know what legal recourse can be taken and calling for Impeachment of our President may be immature on my own part, however, we have a true and legal election process which will take place again in 2010. At that election you can make a difference by "firing" every "incumbent" who has "lapped" with leisure, the water of freedom that so many people died to give them. Remember, this is your country, not Mr. Obama and his cronies.
If you disagree with my comments, please remember that I have always, in the past, spoken based on the only absolute in this world, "The Word Of God" and take time to think of the bigger picture.
If you choose to do nothing, then "say nothing" when it all begins to sink.
God Help Our Nation,
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