I'm one of Sean Hannity and Fox News Network's biggest fans and after watching the Mark Levin interview, I believe it is time to stop talking about poll numbers and start talking about the treason and tyranny that America is being subjected to by this administration.
"Still, tyranny is a threat that looms over all societies, preventable only by the active vigilance of the people. The Statist [Liberal] in America is no less resolute than his European counterpart but, by necessity, he is more cunning – where the European lurches and leaps, the American’s steps are measured but steady.”
Mark Levin (from Liberty and Tyranny)
Dave, I like you comment on Treason and Ttranny in America. Also, we listen to Mark Levin every night M-F, He is great. We are also Fox fans. Do you watch or listen to Glenn Beck?
Yes we are Mark Levin and Glenn Beck Fans. We STRONGLY believe that the establishment is trying "DESPERATELY" to steal America. Please inform everyone you know. It is my intention in the 2010 elections to "bypass" every "incumbant". I say we fire them all. Even a fresh bunch of "rookies" could do a better job. Of course, we may be passing right into the middle of God's fabulous plan. Maranatha (Come Quickly, Lord Jesus)!
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