Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Suppemental Health Care Products

My wife has been a distributor for the largest Supplemental Health Care producs for years now and we have never promoted its sevices. I have decided to add the FORMOR INTERNATIONAL link on the left side of my blog so that we can attempt to create a supplemental income to make it easier to travel. If you already use Health aids in your everyday life, we would appreciae you taking a look at the ones offered by Formor.

It is a Multiple Level Marketing Plan, however, that is not our purpose. We use the products and thought it would be good to make the offer to others. This link will remain on the blog but will not be brought to your attention again as it is not our purpose to bug our readers for suport. It is a product that will do as it says it will do and because we use it we can attest to its claims.

Just click on the Formor Logo and take a look at the products. Everything they offer comes with a money-back offer so give it a try and if you do, please let us know as we do not follow the progress of our account.

Thanks and God Bless,


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