Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Gay Bible Advertisement

Dear precious Saints of God. This morning as I was searching through my blog, I ran across an advertisement (that is, evidently, on my website as Christian materials) for a New King James Bible and it states "This Free Bible Download contains all of the great text of the King James Version and a new book entitled God's New Law describing the prophecy that was declared in 2000". It also advertises

"New Additions:
- Homosexuality and Fornication Forgiven
- Gay Marriage in God's Kingdom

By the time I finish this blog and publish it, the advertisement will be gone as these advertisements circulate every few minutes.

Concerning this bible, I must review my relationship with Google Advertisers to see if I will continue based on the content of these "New Additions", however I want anyone who reads this blog to know that even though I believe that God can and does forgive these sins, I DO NOT support homosexuality under ANY circumstance, and I DO NOT support the advertisement of any additions to God's Holy Word.

I have to do some extraordinary research as I am unwilling to "click" on the downloads from my computer to read what is prophesied, however, we who take God's Word at face value understand that there is NO NEW PROPHECY to be written and added to God's Word so without even downloading this product, I am "at odds" with it in its original description.

My best advise to any of you who might run across this advertisement is that you just simply let it pass and not help its cause by clicking on it. If I cannot get this type of advertisements separated from the Christian Genre which I requested, then I will be forced to terminate my relationship with Google AdSense.

I hope I have made my position clear "in love" as I know the power of forgiveness and also know the power of God's Wrath upon those who would try to subvert the Holiness of His Word.


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