Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How Long Is "Long Enough"?

"When Jesus therefore had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! and He bowed His head, and gave up His spirit" (John 19:30). The Bible indicates that Christ hung on that cross for about 6 hours. Some would argue longer and some, shorter. It doesn't matter because the point is that He was on the cross until the job He was sent to earth to do was completed.

Here we have a part of the Trinity that was there at the creation, was there in the garden, was there at the Red Sea, and was there until His friends and loved ones came and took Him down from the cross and wrapped and laid Him in the tomb. He was there when Mary came to the tomb to care for Him even in His death. He was there long enough to finish the task.

Most of us who suffer from a chronic illness often ask the question "How long is long enough"? How long do we suffer with the disabling difficulties of the illness or injury we have? Will there come a time, Jesus, when you tell us that we have suffered enough? We think of Job in the Bible and the terrific suffering he went through and continued to stand strong for Christ. What about the disciples who, after Pentecost, withstood the suffering and martyrdom for the sake of Christ?

What about Paul in the New Testament? In Second Corinthians 12:7ff he says, "And because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me - to keep me from exalting myself! Concerning this I entreated the Lord three times that it might depart from me." I'm personally not one who daily appreciates the Lord's response to Paul because it means the same thing for me and when I am suffering in pain and sickness, the last thing I want to do is get on my knees and pray for or minister to someone who needs a touch from God. "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Know what that means? When we are weak, He is strong. I have never seen more of Christ in my life than I have since my diagnosis, since my injury, since my illness settled on my life.

How long is long enough? I pray every day "Maranatha" which means "Come quickly, Lord Jesus". And everyday He put an opportunity in my life. Sometimes I take the opportunities and run with them. Sometimes I run from them. But every time God speaks to me and lets me know that "His grace is sufficient for me"! Is His grace sufficient for you? Only you can answer that.

How long is long enough? You may not find out this side of Heaven but thank God He had prepared a place for us!

Dave Stallings lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife of 36 years, Barbara, and their dog, Captain Jack…along with their kids and grand kids ! Dave is a semi-retired pastor and loves to blog on his personal web page since being diagnosed with Stage IV incurable non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma two years ago..his motto is “It is what it is and God is not surprised”….his website is and can be reached by email at


Anonymous said...

Dear Dave,
Thank you so very much for this blog on "How Long Is Long Enough?". I am so very thankful to the Lord that He allowed me to find your website via the devotionals that you wrote which were published by Rest Ministries. I have been struggling with a "sickness" for over five years. I call it a "sickness" because to this day I still do not have a diagnosis. Just lots and lots of symptoms and no answers ... but I MUST hold onto the TRUTH that the Lord does have ALL of the answers and He DOES know just "How Long Is Long Enough" Thanks for your ministry and thanks for allowing the Lord to use your suffering and affliction to help others - like me.

Dave said...

My precious friend. My wife and I will pray for you. God's peace in the middle of your struggle.
