Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Time To Do Some Serious Thinking

Does the thought of a "White Horse with a rider" coming out of the sky concern you at all or even "peek" your curiosity?  Well it doesn't peek my curiosity because I've read the end of the book, however we in American and around the world are as "UNPREPARED" for an event like this more now than ever before.

Back in November, I made a small investment in a Foreign currency deal and have spent a lot of time reading news about it and what is happening all over the world.  Today I believe that it is entirely possible for the powers that be to be controlled ABSOLUTELY by God to usher into being the "Second Coming of Christ and the Millennium, Armageddon and all that goes along with it.  I've read articles about our president and the Prime Minister of Israel having very UNCOMFORTABLE conversations as to which leader will win his battle concerning God's land that He "gave to the Jews".  I read stories of reactor damage in Japan that is just now beginning to affect our shores, Washington States to be exact.

I read stories of the beginnings of food shortages and the affect of the high prices oil on our lives.  I've read very disturbing stories that will affect my children and grandchildren and I believe that today we live in a society that has their heads "stuck in the sand".  I think that their philosophy is "if we don't see it, it cannot happen."  That kind of reminds me of my childhood days when I was afraid of a "Monster" in the room.  I would just cover my head and could not be harmed.

We as a people, forget America (not even mentioned in the end times) we are failing as a people of a Nation founded on the principles of God and swiftly, these foundations are being jackhammered right out from under us.  No "God" in school.  Gayness has become an extreme social advancement in the socioeconomic way of life to the extent that we just don't even concern ourselves anymore.

Our Pastor discussed the importance of "integrity" in our everyday lives and out of about 150, I fear that no more than perhaps 10 even gave it a second thought (by the way, Pastor Marty, very informative and convicting message).

The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 15:52, "in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet with sound, and the dead raised imperishable, and we shall ALL be changed." (can you imagine how quickly a "twinkling" of an eye will be?)We shall All see the Christ Jesus (but perhaps not ALL changed) in all of His glory, prepared not only for battle, but to take His church out of this chaos and into it's much needed eternity.  You may NOT choose to see this as a fact, however I would   argue with you that the Bible is the only written directive that is of ABSOLUTE nature as it was pinned by our God Himself. 

You may choose to walk away and bury your head in the sand so you cannot see the changes taking place, but they are changing none the less.  Being left behind (especially because of a stubborn attitude) would be one of the "most high" mistakes a candidate as a "child of the King" could every choose to accept.

Now is the time, more so than any other time in history to surrender EVERYTHING (regardless of it's current place in your life, fall to your knees and find your peace with God.  Most of you know me, know of my medical situation and also know that my "story" coincides with God's so I really have nothing to fear in this life or the next.  Situation not quite the same with some of you.  Time to sit down and have a heart to heart with God (a "come to Jesus" meeting sort of) and let Him guide you.  Of course, I am always available and if I cannot give you a good and decent answer to your questions, I'll find someone who can.  Jesus Christ is close, like the investment I made in currency.  But I believe that Jesus has the upper hand.  You can reach me at  I promise I will not ignore your mail. Just one more thing and that is that I feel we are so close to seeing Jesus' triumphal return,   When it is real quiet and calm, I can almost feel the "brush of angel wings" against my cheeks as they begin to surround us with their protection.

God loves you and so to I,


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