Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"I Am" Always With You

Today and yesterday has been a very "down" day emotionally for me.  Surely I had good cause to be MORE than joyful as my blood tests are increasing on their own which is a good thing but I'm experiencing some emotional downtime between friends and loved ones that just should not be.

Except for writing, I am a poor communicator and sometimes things in my head get so "jumbled" up that they are not even understandable for me.  And so there are times when I speak and it comes out like "lightening".  Don't feel too bad, you all have similar difficulties when it comes to communication.

But as I sit here in my recliner the Lord has reminded me that I should not fear or be overly concerned with the things that may be lost (even in communication) here on earth, because His reward for me in heaven is 1000 fold better than that which I may someday leave behind.

I have an overwhelming love for those close to me, my friends and family and time is too, too, short for me, and others to live with our "shoes in our mouths".  So tonight as I remove the shoe laces from my teeth and replace them where they belong, I do not fear, for I was "Wonderfully made" for the purpose of receiving the love from the Father.

If you feel unloved tonight remember that you too, were "Wonderfully created" in the image of God simply for fellowship with Him.  All else is secondary to that love and fellowship.  Go to the Father and let Him place His arms around you and assure you of His love, the love that lasts an eternity.


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