Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Yes, it's me, Dave...I'm back...for now.  Some very extreme changes in my health (which are not really an excuse for not writing) but what the heck.  I needed some time to clear my brain.  The good thing is that it is small enough so that I didn't have to take too much time.

Anyway, just a note tonight to let you know, I will try to get back into the devotional "saddle" and start sending once again.  Lot's of changes in my life over the past several months but since I love talking about myself, I am sure you'll hear about them.

In the meantime, God is STILL in control and will be posting again in a few days.  Hope you are all still out there. And of course, BTW, I need more prayer than I have every needed before so if you can, won't you please petition God for me when you think about it?


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