Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Leo Has Arrived!

Our 4th Grandchild, Leonardo Steven Pitera, was born on Thursday afternoon, at 1;41pm in Texas. Barb and I were fortunate to be there for the happy event and we will stay with them for another 10 days or so to help out. He is absolutely gorgeous as you can see from his photo.

Amy & Sam are doing well. Getting ready to spend the next 18 years "broke" while raising a child. Thank you to those who have prayed. He is healthy and beautiful.

1 comment:

Judy Vorfeld said...

Whew! What a beautiful child (like his parents and grandparents), and well worth the wait.

Congratulations, and God bless you all!

Judy Vorfeld