Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"And So This Is Christmas" (John Lennon)

And so another Christmas has come and gone. Today, people are saying goodbye to loved ones who are traveling across the country and around the world to make their way back home. Some are standing in lines waiting to return and "unwanted" or "wrong size" gift in exchange for something bigger or better. Some people are returning to the job needing to finish out the week at work. And some are continuing in their lifestyle as NORMAL TRAFFIC PATTERN Christians, continuing to share the "Good News" that Jesus Christ has come into the world to save sinners, like me; and you.

Today is no different from yesterday, the day before or any other day in our calander year. Even as we put it up to our celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday morning. Today is the BEST day given to you to share your faith in Christ as one of His soldiers. The world is quickly "caving in" physically, emotionally, and most of all politically. A day will come when sharing your faith may jeopardize your very freedom.

So as it has been said before "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." Don't waste it. That co-working sitting beside you is going to Hell if he or she doesn't know Jesus Christ personally. That traveler sitting next to you on the plane will never see the Gates of Heaven if he or she doesn't know Christ. That grumpy old man standing behind you in line, waiting to exchange a gift he doesn't appreciate or cannot use is speeding like a missile toward Hell, and you may be his only hope.

Today, not January 1st, is the time to make a NEW RESOLUTION that you will take advantage of the opportunities that God gives you to lead another soul to Heaven by sharing your testimony about Christ. And you may think, "I'm not a soul winner, I can't do this!" But don't forget the blind man who was healed and ran off declaring "I don't know who He is. I only know that 'once I was blind, and now I see!'"(paraphrase) You can be that tool that wipes the blinding scales off the eyes of a lost person today, just by sharing the Love of Christ.

Enough preaching, God is Great. You are all loved and He is waiting to share His love with others in the world that need to know Him. I hope you had a blessed Christmas and that "today" will be the best evangelistic day of your life.

Merry Christmas because God Loves You!



Anonymous said...

All I have to say to this blog is...
Thanks for reminding me of the vital importance of sharing my faith. One day it won't matter who gave you what gift or what you gave as a gift to someone else ... unless that "gift" is the "gift" of salvation and the only way to do that is to share Christ with them.

Dave said...

Thank you for your reflection, Barb. This world is NOT our home and we can accumulate gifts until we require a U-Haul to carry them around and they still will not stand beside us at the Throne of Judgement.

God's best.

Anonymous said...

I know that I say this every time that I write, but I feel led of the Lord to say it every time I write!!! Finding your website has been such a tremendous blessing in my life. When I read the blogs, I am either challenged in some way to live my life in a more meaningful way for Christ or I am encouraged by all that I can still do for Christ despite my limitations or I am reminded of the sole fact that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever and that this light, momentary affliction is but for a moment but worketh in me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. But to be honest, I do tell the Lord many times that it does not "feel" light or momentary.
I do PRAISE THE LORD for both you and Barb and the ministry that the Lord has given to both of you and the reminder that he can take something "bad" (even cancer) and turn it into good. Thank you for allowing the Lord to take the "bad" in your life to use it for good in MY life. Thank you for not allowing the "bad" in your life to make you bitter or angry ... but useable for the Lord.
May the Lord continue to richly bless you and Barb.