Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Thought To Ponder

Some of you already know that we have made arrangements to see ANOTHER doctor out here in California at the City of Hope.  They seem to be really genuine and really wanting their doctors to review my case as it is difficult at best.

Problem is that we cannot see him until the supplemental coverage in Arizona drops me from the plan which is September 1, 2011.  So we have to WAIT once again.  Boy what a "Waiting Game" cancer can be.  Hard on your emotions, your body, your family.  Just difficult.  But we are still strong in our fight so we will wait.

As I thought about that it reminded me of a scripture in Genesis.  It's in the 3rd chapter and the 15th verse which says, "And I will put enmity (hatred) between you and the woman.  And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, (Devil) and you shall bruise him on the heel."   Why would God bring me to this verse?  Well, He is constantly reminding me that He and He ALONE is the miracle maker so something I gleaned from this verse years ago is that, the "woman" has "NO SEED!"  Now if you think about the statement, God is telling Satan that there will come a time in the future that a woman, a virgin woman will have "seed".  This is literally the 1st Biblical mention of the miracle birth of Jesus Christ!  Can you see it.  Woman has no seed yet God warns Satan of a virgin to come, producing the seed of Jesus Christ and His Miracle Birth.

What's so difficult about that.  Anyone who studies the Bible can easily come to the same conclusion.  Well, so did I.  And it has helped me over the years to understand that if our God has the ability, not only to produce the "seed" in the woman, and tell about it several thousand years earlier, then He surely has the ability to produce a Miracle in my life today by producing sufficient clean blood cells to rid me of this "Death Inducing" disease known as leukemia.  Get it?  Early on, close to the beginning of EVERYTHING God introduces this Miracle yet to come.  And He is still in the Miracle making business.

So, where does that leave me?  Well, I have an appointment with doctors whose only job is to fix in mankind, disabled blood cells and help continue life.  Am I right?  You bet I am.  So just short of a month now, we stand before these gentlemen, and listen to their recomendations concerning, "literally, my seed!"  WOW!  Doesn't that grab you by the hair and throw you around the room a little?  It sure does me (now that I have some hair back).

God is still here, still directing our paths as Barb and I continue to search for His perfect will while we keep sharing the Gospel of Christ with all that we meet.

I hope your day will be as good as mine, tomorrow.

God's Best,


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