Crazy Papa

Crazy Papa
I'll make 'um an offer

Monday, April 28, 2008

Seek only God's approval

"Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.

Are you one of those people looking for the approval of another man or woman, perhaps a close relative? Have you been this way most of your life? I know that in my own life I have forever sought the approval of a close friend, never to see the love for, or the respect of me, from that person and I grow weary that our friendship is superficial. Sometimes I think "I need to find a way to say that it hurts me deeply", but never find the strength. They become closer to you than your own brothers or sisters, yet you do not seem to have the respect from them that you give to them.

Do you find yourself there sometimes with some special people. Take a close look at the verse above. We tell our precious Catholic friends that we have a high priest of our own and are not required, according to the bible, to get another to forgive our sins or see another man in this light (this is not a lesson on Catholicism). Yet we all continue to seek the approval of others in life.

God has said in His word that we have our "Own High Priest" - Jesus Christ, who we can go to and find peace. Our friends cannot "sympathize with our weaknesses" so why do we constantly seek their approval. We are "Great Ambassadors" of the Lord in the sight of God. We should begin to act the part.

If that close friend continues to treat you as a second class citizen, you don't have to make him/her aware of it (he/she probably already knows). God sees "...the thoughts and intentions of the heart". Therefore, we don't have to seek the approval of others when the Lord is watching after us. Let God open their hearts as they see you walk with the Lord day after day.

Don't lower your opinion of yourself just because someone close to you thinks or treats others more highly than you! You are a "Gem" in the sight of our God. So "shine" that way in everything that you do. At some poiint, others will notice. And after all, isn't God, what you want people to see in you?

Just a thought!


Sunday, April 27, 2008

"We Are The Clay"

I received this devotion in my email today and it was so special that I had to share it. I hope you enjoy it and send it to a friend in need. God is so gracious in our greatest time of need, isn't He?

April 22, 2008

Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
--Isaiah 64:8

During the Great Depression, a good man lost his job, used up all his savings, and forfeited his home. His grief was multiplied by the sudden death of his wife just weeks later. The only thing he had left was his faith, and it had been weakened.

One day, the man walked about looking for work when he stopped to watch some men doing stonework on a church building. One of the men skillfully chiseled a triangular piece of rock that didn't seem to fit in the formation they were creating. So the man shouted to the artist, "Where are you going to put that?"

The man pointed toward the top of the building and said, "See that opening up there near the spire? That's where it goes. I'm shaping it down here so it will fit up there."

Tears filled the poor man's eyes as he walked away. The worker's words rang clear and spoke deeply to his heart giving new meaning to his difficult situation.

You may be reading this and going through a difficult time yourself right now. It may be something even too troubling to talk to anyone about. But you can know for certain "that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Each blow of the hammer and chisel in your life may hurt.

But have faith. These difficulties are only temporary! Sometimes the most painful blows bring about the greatest inner strength. Keep praying and believing that the Master is shaping you down here so you will be fit up there.

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask the Lord to turn your tragedy into triumph, and strengthen your spirit when life painfully hammers you from all sides.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Things That Matter Most

Mat 6:34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Today we got up and took our Jeep to the dealership because the air conditioning was acting up and being that we live in Arizona, we really need that part of the car to work right. Anyway, we decided to go have breakfast at one of our favorite places; we asked to be seated in our favorite waitresses tables and got a chance to talk to her. Fifteen years ago she had breast cancer and got a clean bill of health back some 10 or so years ago. This morning she told us that she has to have a bone biopsy on Thursday because they saw a mass and suspect it is back and now in her bones.

Still smiling, she continued to serve us our coffee and breakfast and maintained a "steadfast" attitude even though you could see there was a little uneasiness in her voice. A wonderful Christian woman, still deeply concerned. So we ministered to her and will help her home from her test on Thursday.

Later on this afternoon, I went to the bank to open an account and the lady who helped me had Thyroid cancer removed from her neck 5 years ago and just two weeks ago another suspicious form in her neck was removed. I got her name and assured her that I would pray for her. We talked about God and His role in these times and she seemed to become more calm, the longer we talked.

These two incidents today made me think of why I have cancer and what my role is here on earth. If I am in a constant state of "worry" how am I supposed to minister to people that God brings in front of me? My food, drink or clothes I wear. How do they compare to doing the will of the Father? And so that is why Jesus says, "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life..." (NLT)

We have more to do in our everyday lives than worry about so many things. "Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly father feeds them. Aren't you more valuable to him than they are?" I believe so.

Hear God's word and become "worry free" in your walk with the Lord. See how He will bless your life!